Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Headshot Clinic Act by Niccolo Cosme - November 14 Shoot

Weeks ago Niccolo Cosme (founder of Project Headshot Clinic) called me to be part of this year's Project Head Shot Clinic and if I can also do the digital PR. Being friends with him for almost 10 years I immediately said "YES". Since I really do digital PR and coordination for a living, this will be sisiw for me - hopefully...  

 Niccolo Cosme - founder of Project Headshot Clinic

Niccolo will be needing 20 to 25 bloggers to be part of Project Headshot Clnic and to help spread the word about HIV/AIDS digitally with their blogs. As we all know and had proven that digital media and internet exposure is one of the most effective way to reach a certain target group of people. Since not everybody watches TV, read the papers anymore but is hooked on to the internet more than their office hours. Probably hooked on to the net 24/7 for those who have their Mobile Internet Gadgets with them all the time.

Was really excited to be part of it and immediately went thru my phonebook and called every blogger I know..... I called 30 and 25 confirmed, not so bad ey .... 

PROJECT HEADSHOT CLINIC as Niccolo said is "Is a brand new concept that merges Profile photos online and Advertising as we see campaigns, advertisements, and advocacies may easily be conveyed through our unique digitized headshots, online profile photos can be potential online billboards. Its major components are: registration, mass shooting, and mass uploading on social network web sites (as profile photo), which make HSC an effective and creative marketing tool. HSC creates curiosity and impact to those who are not yet aware or part of it. It’s viral — the HSC phenomenon can attract anyone online — and we hope that you become a part of it."

This was really a very unique concept that everybody wanted to be a part of. Celebrities, media people, models, professionals the list goes on... All can and do their part in their own little ways of having their headshots and using them as profile pictures in their SNS profiles for this cause.

Had a really tiring day that Sunday, but working for a cause if sooo much fun...

Here are some pictures...

A small seminar will be given to everyone per group before the make up and shoot. A Little brushing up and update on the general knowledge that we know about HIV/AIDS. 

Volunteer from UNAIDS doing the talk, bloggers Joriben Zabala of http://www.joriben.com/, Jeman Villanueva of, Henry Barrameda of http://themanilaenvelope.tumblr.com/, and Meryl Yan of Mega Magazine listening.

2nd is time for make up, little touch ups here and there to take a ways the oil. Thanks to you friends from MAC - Makeup Art Cosmetics 
(Blogger Sai Saison of http://saicyberspace.blogspot.com being made up)

The actual shoot follows after the make up

Lastly... Optional to all participants, if they wanna get tested... Free testing is available

After 5 hours... Tired but really happy!

To learn more about project head shot clinic you may log on to - http://headshotclinic.wordpress.com/

New Facebook Account

Well after almost 2 weeks of having no Facebook account - still. I took it upon my self to make a new one. So there I was so excited to have all my friends back that I kept on adding and adding and inviting friends. After almost 50 invites... I got logged out automatically.

When I logged in, I got a warning from Facebook that I should not be adding people I don't know. Maybe they thought that I was just adding people randomly and that if I continue I will be BLOCKED from adding friends and from sending messages.

Ok fine ..... Facebook has strict rules and policies.... Gotta read the guidelines guys....

Well atleast I am happy now that I already have a new Facebook account and get in touch with my friends easier.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

good ole cma's... nutso as ever.

so, as we all know i get a little country award happy because a. who doesn't love to see some tacky. b. i love seeing zac brown band kick ass and take names!! and guess what!? they did!!! again!!!! hooray!! best new flippin' artist bitches!!!!! and my girls were just beautiful!!!!!!! yay!!!

best dressed... drum roll pleaaaaasssseeee...
this was easy. gwyneth paltrow, love of my life, looked ah-mazing in atelier versace. her legs are out of control. i love the cut outs on this dress. simple, but super interesting. i think it's just stunning. and her performance was just fabulous. she is a classy lady!!!

now, on to the crazy... 
 someone please explain to me why in the heck kathrine heigl was even at the awards!? my lord i find her obnoxious. and this dress just likes like a baaaaaad bridesmaids gown. ew. and it is super unflattering around her armpit fat. totally not attractive. uh.
 sheryl crow is seriously one of the most beautiful women on the planet. buuuuut, there is something off about this gown. my guess is that it looks better in person, but on camera is just looks very blah and ill fitting. her hair and makeup look STUNNING and ohmylord i want all of her bracelets.
 well, on the upside it looks like nicole kidman is laying off the injectables. thank the lord, but this look is just very boring. this d&g dress is okay, but the shoes are disgusting!!! they make a tall, leggy chic look short and stubby. no bueno.
 okay, leighton meester. i don't hate this look. the dress is emilio pucci and sorta fun. the shoes are genius, but where i loose it is the hair and makeup. her hair looks like an afterthought and her makeup is no existent.
 i seriously had no idea who this was... it's julianne hough!? crazy? the hair totally threw me. and this massive georges chakra dress totally makes me wanna hit babies. it's like halloween vomited on her. she's so petite and this dress just swallows her whole. and that hair!!! it's terrible. this is just a mondo fail.
 i would love to get to do this chicks makeup. she's from lady antebellum and she just always looks like a drag queen at these shows. she is clearly very pretty, but eh... i don't know... the big hair, the over done eyes, the awful dress. that crumb catcher is just over bearing... forget crumbs that thing could catch a full sandwich. not good.
martina mcbride is so stinking cute, but this aluminum foil dress is not cute. it makes her right shoulder look like she's wearing football pads and she appears to have a pouch were the rouching meets up. i guarantee that there is not an ounce of fat on the chick, so that's just poor construction. plus, i really don't like the shoes. dark ankle straps = short legs. even if your a thousand feet tall. see nicole kidman.
 so here's the thing. i love this monique lhuillier dress. i really do. but fashion 101. DO NOT match your eye shadow to your gown. geez manetti. and jennifer nettles has been doing this long enough to know that, but i do love the dress. the hair is a bet manic and the makeup is just AWFUL. she's making enough money to have a pro do her makeup... so come on jenn... better luck next time.
oh geez. taylor swift in a boring monique lhuillier dress with boring hair and boring liquid liner. her style  bores me. come to think of it her music bores me too... but i don't want to make her cry cause she seems very sweet. but boring.
 ah! enough said.
what the eff was leann rimes thinking!? she's wearing a ports1961 sundress to an award show?! i think she has lost her mind. between all of her crazy tweets and news reports it's ah-mazing that she hasn't shaved her head yet. but seriously, she and eddie ciberan are definitely going to be together forever.
apparently miranda lambert was rolling her eyes while gwyneth was singing. i hope that's not true. but i think she looks pretty fabulous in this sherri hill dress. i would change the position of the straps because i don't find the off the shoulder flattering. but she really looks pretty. love the earrings.
when bad clothes happen to good people. yikes. yikes. oh dear. hmm. well... uh... right. so this is a talbot runhof and it makes me sad. it turns, literally, one the most beautiful women on the face of the earth into a hot damn mess. this is just schizo. dear carrie underwood you are better than this. i expect more.

so, that was just a taste of the crazy that went down at the cma's last wednesday. so tell me, who was your favorite!? who was just a hot mess!? did you hear gwyneth sing!? what did you think? 

Monday, November 15, 2010

what the hell does a vegan eat!?

so, this meal is one of my favorite things to eat ever!!!! ohmygoodness. it's so creamy and yummy and fresh and light and VEGAN!!!! hooray! i got the recipe for quinoa tabbouleh from the vegan table by colleen patrick-goudreau. it will seriously make you very happy, plus it's super healthy. 
1 large or 2 small tomatos, seeded & chopped/1 cucumber chopped/olives chopped(however many you want, they are my favorite part so i do a ton)/3-4 cloves of garlic finely minced. 
i do a 1/4 cup of lemon juice and olive oil(yes. we store our oils in old liquor bottles. we're classy folk.)
1 cup of dry quinoa to 2 cups salted water or veggie stock. i use a rice cooker, it's super easy, almost impossible to screw up.
rinse 1 can of organic garbanzo beans. 
mix everything throughly. 
eat. yum!!!!! eat a lot!!!! trust me you will!!!!! 

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

2nd Day Without Facebook Coz It Got Disabled

I survived my 1st day without Facebook beacause it got DISABLED because I posted a freaking video of a woman giving birth.... Explanation was because I was so amazed how life is delivered into this world and the magic of the act... I was in awe so I want to share the magic. Apparently some did not appreciate the magic of it. TAE.

But it kinda drove me nuuutts..! I kept singing Janet Jackson's "Come Back To Me" and Celine Dion's "It's All Coming Back to Me Now" hahahah on the streets out loud with my friends. Crazy right?

But I think I'll do better today, since I have twitter and my blog to be busy with than nonstoply pressing "HOME".

I'll blog again tonight.... How has this inaccessibility to this freaking social networking site affected my day. 

Really.... Social Networking Media has GREATLY affected our lives.....

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

My Facebook Account Disabled... Sad Sad...

Every morning when I wake up the 1st thing I do is to turn the alarm off my mobile phone. And as I turn off the alarm, the next thing I do is to check my messages, my Twitter and my Fsacebook message integrated app. 

So when I was checking my Facebook, I could not log in. I tried logging into the application, my mobile phone browser and lastly I used my PC. Still could not log in because my account was DISABLED

So I wrote to FB and hoping Id get a reply as to why my account was disabled here is what they replied. 


You were disabled because you created or posted content (i.e., photos, groups, shares, etc.) that violated Facebook's Statement of Rights and Responsibilities.

Types of content that are prohibited from Facebook include, but are not restricted to the following:

• No nudity or other sexually explicit content

• No content that contains hate speech or directly attacks an individual or group
• No content that contains self harm or excessive violence
• No content that contains illegal drug use

Unfortunately, we won’t be able to reactivate your account or respond to your email directly. This decision is final and cannot be appealed.  You can visit the Warnings section of the Help Center for more information:


Thank you for contacting Facebook,

The Facebook Team"

After careful backtracking I remembered that I posted a video of a woman giving birth. Never had it occured to me that the video includes nudity. I was so amazed how magical child birth is and it is never in my intention to violate or malign femininity. 
I wrote to them again and tried to appeal..... So far no answer yet... tho I cans till wait.

It had been 3 years with Facebook.... All the pictures, videos, statuses.... 

This is how much social network had influence our lives.... That I will go through all these just to get back what was taken from me.... 

There.... go thru eating ice cream to feel good coz im sad.... 
This is how much Facebook had influenced my diet for the day!

bippity boppity boo.

so, as many of you know the mister is a marine officer. hot, right!? we've been married to the military for  over 3 years and i would be lying if i said it was all rainbows and sunshine, but despite that the military is really been good to us. we currently live in a small town about 25 minutes north of wilmington, nc. it's a great place to spend our 6-10 months before moving to the west coast. every year the marine corps celebrates it's birthday with a ball. for the first 2 balls, i went cocktail chic wearing short gowns that got me some dirty looks from girls wearing prom dresses from the 80's. c'est la vie. this time our ball was in myrtle beach, a sort of red neck rivera, so i decided to go a bit fancy. come on, how often do you get to dress up like this!? i took advantage. i got dressed in a super hurry. so my hair and makeup were all done in less than 30 minutes. yikes!!! a fairy godmother with a magic wand would've been mighty helpful. anywho, i was pleased with my end result even if i was running around like a crazy person. i was working with 2 of the biggest zits on the planet. thanks life. but praise the lord for dermablend 'cause those bitches were practically invisible. practically :/ my camera takes the woooorst pictures indoors in low light, so here are my blurry hipstamatic pics. love that app.

my dress was a purchase from my days at melissa sweet. after a sample dress goes out of season they sell them to the employees for 20 bucks. that's right a 400 dollar dress for 20 dollars. my headband was an anthropologie splurge and the bracelets were super cheap j.crew knockoffs at forever21. the shoes i wore for less than an hour were charles david and my god were they uncomfortable, that must be why the last time i wore them was my wedding.

so, there you go. ball fun. if any of my regular camera pictures can be salvaged i'll totally post them. love.

The Leaving by Director Ian Lorenos

It is very rare that a young Filipino Chinese director comes up with a movie that is very rooted into his Chinese ethnicity. To showcase the different Chinese cultures, traditions and other practices into one movie.... Who em I talking about??? Well the very fresh, new up and coming movie director Ian Lorenos.

 I think this is Ian when he won at the Cinemalaya 2010

Ian directed THE LEAVING staring Alwyn Uytingco, Lj Reyes, Anold Reyes and Lj Moreno. The movie won Cinemalaya 2010 Best Cinematography, Best Production Design and Best Supporting Actress for Lj Reyes.

Ian is my schoolmate back in Chiang Kai Shek College where I spent four years of my High School life. Ian is a very nice guy who alot plays basketball in the school grounds. I never though that he had this liking for movie making until last year that I was told that he will be directing a movie and it was THE LEAVING. Maybe it was the years after I graduated and never heard from alot of my HS schoolmates for so long.

I promised Ian that I will see him movie and be a very nice person when I talk about the movie after seeing it. I saw the movie in a weekday, so not much are in the cinema with me while I watch and not getting so much reaction from my co-audience. 

As I understood the story, THE LEAVING is about 5 Filipino-Chinese individuals who live closely to each other, does not really know each other until their paths crossed. The different characters represent if not... most of the Filipino Chinese people in the Philippines and depicting the situation where alot of us are in... I wont go into details with the characters and the story, because you have to see it for yourself. 

What I liked about the movie is that it was shot largely at the Chinese - Binondo area in Manila where I spent years growing up. Alot of familiar places, landmarks, stores.... I lived a Filipino Chinese life so I really can relate to the situations in the story, except for the loka loka girl - 5th character, but on 2nd though... Bka ma buang na din ako soon ... hahahahah

Also I liked how Ian made tahi how each characters role is shown in the movie. Very easy to digest and you'd love to talk about the movie after seeing it. 

To sum everything up.... I love the movie, I don't mind seeing it again, except for a few horror scenes.

Above & Beyond vs. Kyau & Albert - Anphonic (Arty Remix)

I cant stop listening to this song!!!! I LOVE IT!!!!


Home Shopping Network Shoot - Talika (Paris) Light 525 / 590 Skin Lightener

Finally here is the video of Talika Light 525 / 590 Skin Lightener - Light Therapy...

Hope you'll like the videos....

And for those who wants to see my part.... Here I am the last one who gave the testimonial. Gulp - breaths deeply....

Below are some information regarding the product:

1. You have to place the gadget 3cm away from the spot to be treated.
2. The green light will automatically shut down after 1 min, indicating the treatment is done and move on to the next spot.
3. Use it twice a day, one in the morning and another in the evening. * Talika Light is very handy - no bigger than your ordinary compact powder, very stylish swivel design.

* Operates in rechargeable battery, charge using the standard main socket or USB socket.
* Heat free
* No over dose (as I was told), so I can play with it when I'm bored. Or I can bring it to rave parties for a light show

Talika Light Therapy 590 Collagen Booster / 525 Skin Lightener now available!!!

CALL TODAY AT 817-7000

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

see!? ashley olsen can wear clothes that fit!!!

so, celebrity dress up is back in business... and business is Ah-Booming. i'm a huge fan of all things olsen. i even dig the homeless look that they rock with ease. mary kate can almost make clogs bearable--- ALMOST. now, i have to say that my own personal style is more ashley. i like a bit more sophistication to my boho look. so here are my recreations of two of my favorite ashley olsen looks using only what i had on hand in my closet. yeah. i'm that good. 

the inspiration:
my look:
so, i flipping adore this look. so simple. so sassy. and so easy to put together. it's ridiculously basic and i bet most people have all of the pieces already!!! i choose my favorite banana republic white v-neck tee, a victoria's secret black bra(call me a skank, but i love a sheer white shirt with a black bra), h&m skirt, sister's belt, and steve madden booties. my skirt was way too long, so i just rolled it up and secured it with the belt. ashley's shoes are grey, but i thought that the purple actually added a fun pop o' color. this look is so perfect for date night or even a business event, sans black bra. love.

the inspiration:
my look:
how cute am i?! :) this look is another goodie. layering is one of my favorite styling tools and no one does it better than tiny lil' ashley olsen. this look made me feel cute and stylish, but so easy... like i wasn't trying too hard. i started with a long, grey splendid tee, added a black j.crew cardigan over that, then my banana republic shrunken boy blazer over top. i added my j.brand skinnies and my sky-high steve madden platforms.  these shoes are better than sex, they turn you into a freakishly tall super model. truth. and they are comfortable. crazy, right!? i topped it all off with a ten dollar olive green scarf... and TADA!!! instant cute. i think the trick to looks that use layering is to keep each layer thin, otherwise you end up looking bulky. no bueno. 

so, there are two of my favorite celebrity dress ups!! what do you think? good looks? did i capture the essence of the outfit!? is there any celebrity you think i should "dress up" as!? let me know. comments make me happy!!!