Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Headshot Clinic Act by Niccolo Cosme - November 14 Shoot

Weeks ago Niccolo Cosme (founder of Project Headshot Clinic) called me to be part of this year's Project Head Shot Clinic and if I can also do the digital PR. Being friends with him for almost 10 years I immediately said "YES". Since I really do digital PR and coordination for a living, this will be sisiw for me - hopefully...  

 Niccolo Cosme - founder of Project Headshot Clinic

Niccolo will be needing 20 to 25 bloggers to be part of Project Headshot Clnic and to help spread the word about HIV/AIDS digitally with their blogs. As we all know and had proven that digital media and internet exposure is one of the most effective way to reach a certain target group of people. Since not everybody watches TV, read the papers anymore but is hooked on to the internet more than their office hours. Probably hooked on to the net 24/7 for those who have their Mobile Internet Gadgets with them all the time.

Was really excited to be part of it and immediately went thru my phonebook and called every blogger I know..... I called 30 and 25 confirmed, not so bad ey .... 

PROJECT HEADSHOT CLINIC as Niccolo said is "Is a brand new concept that merges Profile photos online and Advertising as we see campaigns, advertisements, and advocacies may easily be conveyed through our unique digitized headshots, online profile photos can be potential online billboards. Its major components are: registration, mass shooting, and mass uploading on social network web sites (as profile photo), which make HSC an effective and creative marketing tool. HSC creates curiosity and impact to those who are not yet aware or part of it. It’s viral — the HSC phenomenon can attract anyone online — and we hope that you become a part of it."

This was really a very unique concept that everybody wanted to be a part of. Celebrities, media people, models, professionals the list goes on... All can and do their part in their own little ways of having their headshots and using them as profile pictures in their SNS profiles for this cause.

Had a really tiring day that Sunday, but working for a cause if sooo much fun...

Here are some pictures...

A small seminar will be given to everyone per group before the make up and shoot. A Little brushing up and update on the general knowledge that we know about HIV/AIDS. 

Volunteer from UNAIDS doing the talk, bloggers Joriben Zabala of http://www.joriben.com/, Jeman Villanueva of, Henry Barrameda of http://themanilaenvelope.tumblr.com/, and Meryl Yan of Mega Magazine listening.

2nd is time for make up, little touch ups here and there to take a ways the oil. Thanks to you friends from MAC - Makeup Art Cosmetics 
(Blogger Sai Saison of http://saicyberspace.blogspot.com being made up)

The actual shoot follows after the make up

Lastly... Optional to all participants, if they wanna get tested... Free testing is available

After 5 hours... Tired but really happy!

To learn more about project head shot clinic you may log on to - http://headshotclinic.wordpress.com/

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