Wednesday, December 1, 2010

sometimes change... will do you good...

so, first off, so sorry that i have been a dreadfully, terrible no good blogger as of late. my lord. it's been ages. i would like to blame. a. thanksgiving. b. hosting my in-laws for thanksgiving. c. driving 10 hours to my parents 2 days after thanksgiving with two moronic, yet adorable, puppies all by myself. d. all of the freaking above. so, yeah. that about sums it up. i thought that i would, whilest everyone sleeps, post a little somethin' somethin' while i emotionally prepare for my full blown come back ;)
for the past 2-3 years i have kept my hair long and dark because as an "actress" i wanted to look like my comp cards/ headshots. yadda yadda. welllllll. that has gone the way that you would expect it... yeah, i still haven't been hired... 2 jobs in 3 years. major suck. so for the past few months, well ever since k.stew debuted her copper hued locks, i've wanted a radical change. but since i'm still keeping the dream alive, i knew i couldn't make a huge leap. well, i found a loop hole. good ole ombre hair. thanks to the likes of jessica biel, drew barrymore, lily aldridge, and rachel bilson, i have been freed from my hair rut. my stylist aka greatest-sister-in-law-in-the-world did the most ah-mazing job. i'm so freaking happy with it. i only have a crappy cell phone pic for now, but i'm sure that you will see more of it in the upcoming posts.

so, tell me. what helps you get out of a style rut?! are you daring with your hair styles? or does change freak you out?!

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