Friday, October 29, 2010

Run Against Time - Meta Fit Run

Immuvit, our client thought of changing the program for the 3rd Immuvit's Run Against Time. It had been agreed to add the Meta Fit Program into the Run. 

Very interesting.... Now what the hell is the Meta Fit Program. I also don't have the exact word to describe it, but I can tell you a story about it. And also another fact.... we are the organizers of this event.... and here is my story. 

You know how an event is being conseptualized, planned, organized and implemented. Since this is the 3rd leg, me and my co-project manager went through the grooling process for the 3rd time - yet again. But this run posed additional work for us because from just running in the perimeter of Bonifacio High Street, the Meta Fit program requires runner to do 5 different exercises within the run. Why do these additional exercises? Because.... 

Pls allow me to insert my Meta Fit run pic here... hehehe

When running a marathon, 3K, 5K, 10K, 15K, 21K.... you will need a big area to run on... or go in circles in a small running area. But .... injecting the Meta Fit program into the run... you can achieve the amt of workout by just running a 1.2 K or double it. 

The whole perimeter of Bonifacio High Street, where the orange cones are is 1.2K... We added 5 different exercises into each of the 4 WalkWays of the mall. So one lap will approximately be comparable to a 3 to 5K run. 2 laps 10K and so on. 

Here are the different exercises:

 Usually organizers don't really participate in the event they organize, because we need to stay guard and implement the event the best way we know how. But then again.... I need to test how the program will go... so I participated.

i was really hesitant... because I lacked sleep and might not perform and give out my best. But ... I guess I did a good job... I did 2 laps which is equivalent to a 10K run... Ive ran 10Ks before and believe me.... This Meta Fit program is really a good one. 

As Coach Jim Saret said.... ! lap will make you loose 3K calories... when done the right way.... so how about 2 laps. 

2 days had passes and my butt muscles are still sore!

Join the Immuvit's Run Against Time - Meta Fit Run facebook page and get updates on when the next event will be! -

Here are some pictures of the event:

Coach Jim Saret - Endorser and lecturer of the Immuvit's Run Against Time - Meta Fit Run

 The every beautiful Mrs Saret - Toni joins the run

 Believe me when I say lolo can double the push ups you can do...

Air squats

Go team Immuvit!!! 

 Coach Jim with Bloggers Ryan and Jonel

Coach with our staff

The line as early as 4pm

Tamang warm up lng

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