Wednesday, October 27, 2010

15 reasons to love...

if you've never checked out jennifer fabulous, than boo on you. not only is she bitterly honest(love), she shares her life with you like no other blogger out there. she's hilarious. she's thoughtful. she's emotional. plus, she's got great taste in movies, music, and all things old school and vintage. i can't say enough good things about this chick. she rocks her boho style and shares her stories with you like you have known her for years. seriously, sometimes i forget that i have never met her. true story. 
what's the best movie ever made is... Clueless (I considered lying and saying something profound like "Casablanca" but let's be real here).
my favorite song in the whole wide world is... Suedehead by Morrissey (or pretty much anything by the Moz)
if i could only wear one designer forever and ever it would be... Betsey Johnson!!
i can't go anywhere without my... cell phone
if i could raid a celeb's closet it would have to be... Sarah Jessica Parker (she got to keep all that shit from Sex and the City, right?)
my favorite celebrity on the red carpet is... Lady Gaga (she's never boring!)
i always expect_______ to look a hot damn mess on the red carpet... Britney Spears
i look a hot damn mess when i wore... a glow-in-the-dark gown (by accident) to the homecoming dance sophomore year of high school
a fashion trend i am loving right now... aviator jackets (now, if only I could get my hands on the perfect one...)
a fashion trend i am hating right now... clogs (...they went out of style for a reason)
my biggest fashion influence has got to be... this is going to sound cheesy as hell, but it is SO true: other fashion bloggers.
the next big thing is... burning all the Crocs in the world (oh wait, that's just my fantasy, I guess.)
in the next year i am looking forward to... losing 30 pounds so I can enjoy the latest fashion trends.
i love blogging because... It gives me a creative outlet to express myself to the world...and I enjoy making friends with awesome people.
the most important thing to me is... being happy.
so go enjoy the wonder of i know, right!? it'll be like reading your best friends blog, if you best friend was super cool, totally beautiful, and freaking hilarious. 

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