Friday, October 29, 2010

Run Against Time - Meta Fit Run

Immuvit, our client thought of changing the program for the 3rd Immuvit's Run Against Time. It had been agreed to add the Meta Fit Program into the Run. 

Very interesting.... Now what the hell is the Meta Fit Program. I also don't have the exact word to describe it, but I can tell you a story about it. And also another fact.... we are the organizers of this event.... and here is my story. 

You know how an event is being conseptualized, planned, organized and implemented. Since this is the 3rd leg, me and my co-project manager went through the grooling process for the 3rd time - yet again. But this run posed additional work for us because from just running in the perimeter of Bonifacio High Street, the Meta Fit program requires runner to do 5 different exercises within the run. Why do these additional exercises? Because.... 

Pls allow me to insert my Meta Fit run pic here... hehehe

When running a marathon, 3K, 5K, 10K, 15K, 21K.... you will need a big area to run on... or go in circles in a small running area. But .... injecting the Meta Fit program into the run... you can achieve the amt of workout by just running a 1.2 K or double it. 

The whole perimeter of Bonifacio High Street, where the orange cones are is 1.2K... We added 5 different exercises into each of the 4 WalkWays of the mall. So one lap will approximately be comparable to a 3 to 5K run. 2 laps 10K and so on. 

Here are the different exercises:

 Usually organizers don't really participate in the event they organize, because we need to stay guard and implement the event the best way we know how. But then again.... I need to test how the program will go... so I participated.

i was really hesitant... because I lacked sleep and might not perform and give out my best. But ... I guess I did a good job... I did 2 laps which is equivalent to a 10K run... Ive ran 10Ks before and believe me.... This Meta Fit program is really a good one. 

As Coach Jim Saret said.... ! lap will make you loose 3K calories... when done the right way.... so how about 2 laps. 

2 days had passes and my butt muscles are still sore!

Join the Immuvit's Run Against Time - Meta Fit Run facebook page and get updates on when the next event will be! -

Here are some pictures of the event:

Coach Jim Saret - Endorser and lecturer of the Immuvit's Run Against Time - Meta Fit Run

 The every beautiful Mrs Saret - Toni joins the run

 Believe me when I say lolo can double the push ups you can do...

Air squats

Go team Immuvit!!! 

 Coach Jim with Bloggers Ryan and Jonel

Coach with our staff

The line as early as 4pm

Tamang warm up lng

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

15 reasons to love...

if you've never checked out jennifer fabulous, than boo on you. not only is she bitterly honest(love), she shares her life with you like no other blogger out there. she's hilarious. she's thoughtful. she's emotional. plus, she's got great taste in movies, music, and all things old school and vintage. i can't say enough good things about this chick. she rocks her boho style and shares her stories with you like you have known her for years. seriously, sometimes i forget that i have never met her. true story. 
what's the best movie ever made is... Clueless (I considered lying and saying something profound like "Casablanca" but let's be real here).
my favorite song in the whole wide world is... Suedehead by Morrissey (or pretty much anything by the Moz)
if i could only wear one designer forever and ever it would be... Betsey Johnson!!
i can't go anywhere without my... cell phone
if i could raid a celeb's closet it would have to be... Sarah Jessica Parker (she got to keep all that shit from Sex and the City, right?)
my favorite celebrity on the red carpet is... Lady Gaga (she's never boring!)
i always expect_______ to look a hot damn mess on the red carpet... Britney Spears
i look a hot damn mess when i wore... a glow-in-the-dark gown (by accident) to the homecoming dance sophomore year of high school
a fashion trend i am loving right now... aviator jackets (now, if only I could get my hands on the perfect one...)
a fashion trend i am hating right now... clogs (...they went out of style for a reason)
my biggest fashion influence has got to be... this is going to sound cheesy as hell, but it is SO true: other fashion bloggers.
the next big thing is... burning all the Crocs in the world (oh wait, that's just my fantasy, I guess.)
in the next year i am looking forward to... losing 30 pounds so I can enjoy the latest fashion trends.
i love blogging because... It gives me a creative outlet to express myself to the world...and I enjoy making friends with awesome people.
the most important thing to me is... being happy.
so go enjoy the wonder of i know, right!? it'll be like reading your best friends blog, if you best friend was super cool, totally beautiful, and freaking hilarious. 

Thursday, October 21, 2010

oh holy i couldn't give a crap...

so, thanks to prudish mothers everywhere controversy has been created out of absolutely nothing!!!! everyone from perez hilton to katie couric to billy ray cyrus has an opinion about gq's latest cover story. cory monteith(28), dianna agron(24), and lea michele(24) our favorite gleeksters posed in a racy spread for the magazine and have caused quite a stir. and honestly, i don't understand why it's a big freaking deal!!!! do you!? katie couric thinks that will schuster would be "disappointed" in the young stars and that their behavior is very "un glee like." eye roll. what is the problem here!? these actors are mid-twenties and monteith is nearly 30 it's not like we are objectifying children here!!! dear sweet jesus! why make such a fuss about it!? is it really that big of a deal!? answer. no. fact.
so, i am so glad kids are watching glee because i think that it sends a super positive messages about being misunderstood in school, that being different is okay!!! not only is it okay, it should be celebrated!!!! and it fills my heart with joy that a family based prime time show openly discusses homosexuality in such a thoughtful and real way. i hope that it teaches kids compassion and open mindedness. two things that i thing the world lacks big time! and not to mention the music, it's about friggin' time kids new who queen and journey were!!! geez. 
okay, so i understand that children watch glee, but come on, what kid reads gq?!? aren't they more the "teen beat" crowd? so, the way i see it, it's the parents who are pissed, not the kids. in fact, i bet the kids don't have a damn clue about these photos. and if they do. i bet they don't care. so, why make such a stink about it? why make these ladies feel bad for having a little fun. dianna and lea are stunning and in ah-mazing shape, why not show it off while you got it!? and come to think of it, what star out there hasn't posed scantly clad!? i'm serious! jen garner had a maxim and a rolling stone spread, olivia wilde has taken it off for countless magazines, rachel ray posed in nothing but a panties and an apron, kim kardashian takes off her clothes every chance she gets, hilary duff, emmy rossum, keri russell, diane kruger, annie hathaway, and so on and so forth... so why do these actors have to take such heat?! because they play high school students?! well, that's bollocks and make very little sense. i mean cory's character finn has sex with santana, a skank who has sexy time with bimbo cheerleader brittany. rachel's character has two dads and is a bitchy control freak who only cares about winning. and dianna's character just gave away her baby... yeah, the baby she had in high school... 
it's not like this show is about vacation bible school with saved by the bell issues. the show has a delightfully quirky taste on reality and come on, it's not squeaky clean nor are it's stars. poor dianna arragon even took to her blog apologizing for offended people, saying that this photo shoot is not "who she is." personally, i don't think she needs to apologize for a damn thing. if a kid has a copy of gq lying around, well, it's probably daddy's and in that case, who's fault is that!?
so, come on tell me. is the fuss around this spread really necessary? what's your take on the situation? if you were a celeb and had the opportunity to do a racy photo shoot would you?! 

Monday, October 18, 2010

Im Not Happy With Adidas Shang Store - Sungit Attendant

Last week Monday I passed by Adidas Shang branch, and I saw this cutie black Super Star Adicolor sneakers.

 Adidas Shang Branch

Since I don't have a black based sneakers yet, I went on and bought this one.

Adidas Adicolor Superstar

It tooked the attendant maybe 30 mins to find the the size I needed, but ok lng... So I paid and left. 

When I got home to fit my new sneakers, I found that there had been a mis match of the Adicolor inserts. These are the the stripes designed with different colors and patterns used to insert into the 3 stripes on the side of the sneakers. 

Different colored inserts

So I went back the next day.... Hassel, coz as attendants of the store, they should know what accessory goes with what.  Sila nag bebenta eh. 

Hassel na, but still I smile and asked the lady politely regarding the mismatch. I was expecting a sorry or smile from her, but non was given to me. 

Ang sungit nya at naka simangot pa ah. Nakaka bad trip, nag effort na ako bumalik, may pa GV na "smile" man lng or "sorry".

Well basta I therefore conclude na masungit sya and my shopping experience at Adidas Shang Mall was the worst.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

all dressed up and nowhere to go...

so, it's been awhile since i've posted fashion pics of myself and there's a reason for that. it involves a big company that wanted me to use celebrity dress up with their brand and then they decided to change their mind. boo. i've been bummed about it, but decided to move on armed with an arsenal of fabulous looks that i am going to share with your now. if you remember, at the beginning of the year i made it my goal to take celebrity looks and using just what i had in my closet recreate the look. this is one of my favorites. 

the inspiration: good ole lizzie maguire all grown up. 

my take:
so, i did all right, yeah!? the chambray shirt is banana republic and it's my hubbies, the pencil skirt is a rocking kensie skirt that i don't know how i ever lived without it, the shoes are steve madden and seriously among the sexiest i own. so simple. so hot. the bracelet is red agate from egypt and one of my favorite pieces. the earrings were a gift from my honorary filipino family. 

i am just in love with this look. so cute for a lunch or even a sophisticated night out. it's totally respectable with a side of naughty librarian. yeah. i went there. i think i got the look pretty spot on, even down to the perfectly beachy hair. 

so, what do you think? is this look worth replicating? how did i manage? what would make the look better? 

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

clogs. ew.

okay. so everyone has an opinion about clogs. ugly. heinous. chunky. nasty. did i say ugly!?? now i know that there have been thousands of blogs about the questionable nature of these skanky shoes, but i figured that i could make them even more fun to hate, due to my awesomeness and whatnot. okay. do you remember in the 90's... oh god, i do!? do you remember when clogs were huge then... yeah they are just as ugly now as they were back in the day. and i'm sorry a chanel logo does not a pretty clog make. and even in the 70's when clogs were all the rage they still made feet look huge and heavy... and herman munster called... he wants his shoes back. i'm all for retro, but there are reasons that some pieces die out!!!! it's like evolution of style. survival of the fittest. and clogs have not evolved into anything... they are still chunky, dull, and boring. and come on if 80 foot tall, spindley models can't make them look good... then tell me, what regular person can!?

ashley simpson in the offending footwear. 
 marykate olsen wearing a yucky wedge version.
kate beckinsale mixing the nasties with a summer look... it doesn't even look good...
 uk vogue actually put alexa chung on the cover of the mag in them!!! tricking the unassuming public into thinking that clogs were once again fashion. fail.
and my angel... rachel bilson, these are the worst!!! with the little mini heel. ew. ew. ew. these shoes actually look depressed. 

the worst part is how much money people are spending on them! gross! invest your money in the perfect black pump, not a monster ugly shoe. just don't do it. please feel free to try and disagree with me, but trust me you are so incredibly wrong. so let's discuss. do you hate clogs as much as me!? are you able to look past their yuck when styled well!? or are you just on cloud 9 that everyone from miu miu to jessica simpson brand is making a clog now!? and for fun, what are other trends that you just DON'T understand!? comment and tell me. 

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Wala Ako Magawa - Just Bot Some Dessert

Every after lunch me and my office mates go to Rustans - Shang Mall to buy dessert. Well having this new thing for recycled shopping bags and helping save Moma Earth.

Gotta use em...