Tuesday, March 30, 2010

and you are?

so the teen choice awards were on over the weekend and like me, i'm betting you skipped them... much like our poor down and out sandy bullock. who the hell cheats on sweet sandy? what a douchebag! anywho, the people that did show up were... well... underwhelming to say the least. many of them will have you scratching your head saying, who? but c'est la vie, in our youth obbessed paparazzi culture these kids are here to stay, so i suppose i should learn their names... nah...
okay, this one is a demi lovato, she dates a jones brother and frankly, she always looks like a drag queen to me. she is waaaaay to young to wear so much freaking makeup. seriously. and this choice of dress and shoe combination is simply the most boring combo ever. the hoop earrings are bringing me back to the early 90's around the time this chick was born. grody. she is just too young to look so sad... i wasn't aware morticians were invited to the kids choice. huh.  
this is a selena gomez, she may also date a jonas brother... or she used to... or something. i actually really like the christian cota dress. it's really cute, the braid is super chic, and the shoes are nice. overall, she is very on trend and looks pretty fabulous... considering she is like 14 or 15 this look might be a bit grown up because she looks much older... this isn't bad. way to go whoever you are!?
this is a miranda cosgrove and i truly have no idea who she is... i thought she was demi lovato in another dress... but then i looked more closely and she looks way too asian... and you know i know my asians... she kind of looks like a mini catherine zeta-jones. yeah? the dress is okay, the length is kind of wonky. the louboutin's are fabulous and i dig the dark polish, but overall this is not memorable. better luck next time random disney girl!
i actually just threw up in my mouth! what is this!? who allowed them to think that this is okay behavior? the spice girls didn't even dress this badly... ok... well at least they didn't match. i honestly have no words for this catastrophic mess. the gold jacket, the skinny tie, the midriff, the gingham skirts... holy lord, i am going to vomit............ okay, no vomit, but i am scarred.
yay, it's nikki reed!!!! finally, someone i know, thank you twilight for giving me a connection to teen stars. and as always, she looks nice. she is a beautiful girl and it's kinda hard for her to look bad. this look
is lovely on her and it works for the event. and my god she wasn't meant to be a blonde, brunette is so much more becoming on her.  
lalala, kiss girls like katy perry... that's from a rap song... not sure which one... anyways, i don't get it... i don't get the music, the style, the fandamoniom that surrounds her... i just don't get it. i mean she's kind of a poor man's zooey deschanel... she is very pretty and has a cute voice, but i really don't get it. and this outfit, don't even get me started. what's with the stupid little bangs!?!? they don't work on anyone, but betty page... the dress is just so vegas... i'll pass. 
now, zoe saldana is a beauty and the tiniest person on the planet. this look would be great for a casual lunch date, but jeans and tee to an award show? not cool. i mean it fits her great, but she just looks so polite. i don't know, i am not feeling this. she is stunning though. 
i love me some rosario dawson, but this ensemble is soooo not flattering. she has an interesting shape... she is tall and thin, but has the biggest boobies and her waist isn't suuuper teeny-tiney, she's apple shaped... so this blousey dress just makes her look wide and she is sooooooo not wide. maybe if the waist was better defined. i expect more.  
wow, well, tyra's body looks amazing and the dress fits her well and shows it off... but the yellow accessories are just nasty! i mean that's something i would have done in 10th grade... plus, the mustard-ketchup thing is just too obvious. this is not good fashion. 
um, okay. cute outfit, it works, nice and chill for the event... but jada!? the hair!? what is going on!!? this is a tragic hairstyle on a seriously beautiful woman. i'm sorry. not good. it just seems like she is trying too hard to be a bad ass. and she doesn't need to try much, i mean, she's jada pinkett-smith for god sakes... no more of this please!? 
okay, do you know why i love this outfit? i'll tell you. a. rihanna is perfect and b. she looks like a modern day material girl. right!? she is totally like a virgin madonna in this outfit. i love the sleeves, the color, the neckline... i just like it... sure it's weird, but it works for me... plus, she's perfect. 
some jailbait eye candy for the road...

Friday, March 26, 2010

my deep dark love affair and a side of angry ranting...

now, you can all claim that you loved her first, but the thing is, i have had a love affair with charlotte gainsbourg for nearly 13 years. ever since i saw her in jane eyre... she was perfect, pretty, but not too pretty, insanely interesting, and supremely talented. i have to admit, that i haven't seen many of gainsbourg's newer films... although i did try and make it through the science of sleep... wow. but her portrayal of jane eyre has always captivated me... i watch it every single time it is on television... i have contemplated purchasing the dvd, but have you ever noticed how a movie loses it's magic once you own it... you never watch it instead you sit through commercial breaks to watch it on tv... so strange...
any who, she has turned into this magical creature, big surprise her mother was none other than jane birkin, an impossibly beautiful actress, singer, model... maybe you have heard of a birkin bag... hermes... ring a bell?  and her father was french musician serge gainsbourg. that kind of dna is seriously special.
well, if you have never heard charlotte sing, you totally should... her music has this strange, super french, dramatic, folk thing going on... i adore it. it's perfect inspiration music. great to just have on in the background. i adore any of the songs in french... so soothing.
but if you haven't heard her music you have definitely seen her mug all over everything balenciaga, she is the face and inspiration for their new perfume and nicolas ghesquiere has a total girl crush on her, can you blame him? she is is just effortless in all that she does... she's so french, yet seems so personable.
i am just in love with this chick. she has such a chill style and i totally just dig it. and i just love that she doesn't try to be anything other than what she is. there are no fillers in her lips, no plans for a nose job... she just is. and really isn't that what we all should be doing!? just being the most beautiful we can be without changing a single thing. 
i have been kind of going through this "hate the fashion industry" moment because i hate all of the fake that it's constantly putting out into the world... shouldn't it really come down to dressing REAL women... i know gainsbourg's tall and thin, but she isn't a stick, nor will she blow away with the wind... really women are all sizes and the industry should glorify that, but instead what it does is once or twice a year give a shout out to a plus sized model... it's not consistent nor is it genuine. I will never be a fashion industry size 0 again and with the way i eat and the amount i exercise it would be unhealthy to try... and at this point a nose and boob job are just out of the question... i just have to remind myself sometimes that i am real and beautiful and shouldn't compare to the airbrushed nonsense that i surround myself with. you shouldn't have to feel inadequate when looking at fashion... you know i love a skinny girl, but sometimes too skinny really is too skinny. 

what do you think? is it your own problem if you feel alienated by the fashion industry? or should their be a movement towards more normalcy in fashion? do you feel pressure to change because of the superficial industry that we love so much?  do you love you some charlotte gainsbourg? are you rushing out to rent jane eyre at this very moment? 

Sunday, March 21, 2010

the runaways... hot chicks, short skirts...

so i am totally psyched to see the runaways! i dig chick rock and joan jett is like the queen of chick rock! plus, who doesn't love to bust out a little che-che-che-che-che-che-cherry bomb! the movie has opened to pretty rad reviews and come on dakota and kristen locking lips, sounds hot. not to mention the amazing clothes... i am having a total 70's moment right now, well me and the rest of the world. the movies two shining young stars, both under the age of 19 have been making a splash on the red carpet with their teeney-tiny short skirts. i die. 
so as most you know, i am in love with kristen stewart despite her insane awkwardness and terrible posture. i admit it, she is totally strange and uncomfortable in interviews, but it's her uncoolness that makes her so freaking cool! plus, i think that she takes acting seriously unlike the majority of young actors her age and i think that she is really learning and growing as an actress, see the cake eaters if you are unsure. then dakota fanning...sheesh, is there anything negative to say about this kid! i mean talk about child star grown up right! i think that she has just blossomed into the most beautiful and talented and well-adjusted teen. in hollywood that's not freaking easy, it's like one wrong turn and your are down crackhead lohan's path of destruction. any who, here are my favorite looks from their recent premieres.
at the la premiere. kristen in a hot pink doo.ri which i just find stunning on her pale skin. i love the dark nail and the big pouffy hair. dakota is in valentino and i gotta say i freaking love this. the sparkle is stunning and the sheer fabric keeps it from looking heavy. love. both ladies look super classy and super stylish. 
at the sxsw film festival in austin. kstew is rocking a jasmine de milo copper minidress, love the pockets. i am also digging the berry stained lip, but the shoes are questionable. now, i absolutely love dakota fanning's dress! and those purple brian atwood pumps are freaking perfection. unexpected shoe color is one of my favorite new trends. i love these jewel tones on the feet, purple, burgundy, forest green. good stuff. 
at the nyc premiere. they went sweet for this one. dakota is rocking an oh-so-sweet elie saab. this dress looks like a bunch of fairy wings sewn together and who wants to wear freaking fairy wings? answer. everyone. and darling kstew is looking super fabulous in pucci. the dress is just the most delightful hodge podge of metallic. i just love this look. the updo, the berry stained lip, the single cuff, the rossi satin peep toes. it's all pretty fabulous if you ask me...but i also have a massive girl crush, so what are you gonna do?

so what do you think? were these two ladies successful in looking ah-mazing for their multiple premieres? what looks do you love? hate? are you totally stoked to see this film? or will you wait to rent it? or could you care less?

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

pretty things, worn by my least favorite friend...

there is nothing in the world that could behoove me to see the bounty hunter... i think i just threw up in my mouth, but i have to say that jennifer aniston has been uncharacteristically fabulous lately! now, hear me out, she always looks "nice" but these looks, my friends, are ah-mazing! she is not my fave... i guess i just don't get it, but i have to admit these looks are out of control. 
at the new york premiere wearing donna karan and looking like a freaking goddess! everything about this is perfect...well, almost. that damn hair!? does she ever switch it up!? bore. but she looks that good that i don't even care. this is perfection. i want this dress, stat. 

and here is hottie aniston at the london premiere, just super fresh and sexy. i love the alexander mcqueen jacket over the valentino gown and those jimmy choo sandals... yummy. it's very now while being age appropriate. but still, the hair!? snore. she needs to start doing stuff with that coif... perhaps it was the "the rachel" and those dreadlocks she wore to the the golden globes when she was still with mr. pitt. those would probably scare me boring too, but you know what, if i can get over my mushroom hair cut disaster, she too can raise above.
and a wee side note, i was super disappointed in the spread in w. there was only one shot that i was in love with, a very raw photo of just aniston and some cash... and really the cover is the most interesting photo of the entire shoot... gerard butler looks like he is bored out of his mind in every picture he is in. yawn. i wouldn't run out to get it, brad and angie they are not.

so are you digging these looks by mrs. rachel green geller? is there a celeb you aren't the biggest fan of, but can admit when they look great? are there celebs that you will buy a magazine just because they are on the cover? i do, jennifer garner or ashley olsen... true. how do you feel about really hyped magazine spreads? do you rush out to see them? or could you care less?

***added friday 19th... just to clear up. i am totally team jolie, all the way. i think aniston was whiney and media hungry during that whole breakup debacle. she didn't want kids, he did. they broke up and that's a pretty substantial reason as far as hollywood goes... angie isn't some home-wrecker...***

Monday, March 15, 2010

momma's back... and fabulous...

sorry i've been MIA... long uninteresting story which may or may not involve me being rejected for even more acting parts... tear. don't worry i only cry myself to sleep most nights... i kid... well... moving on, the weather here in florida has been out of control beautiful! like 70's and sunny! i just couldn't help myself, it was time to bust out this cute outfit and my new fuschia lipstick!!!
top and skirt forever21, socks urban outfitters, shoes steve madden, necklaces banana/j.crew outlets. my lipstick is revlon colorburst in fuschia, it rocks!

so, now that i am totally over my socks and shoes thing, i thought i would just go crazy!!! otk socks! genius! i love this little top and polka dots are so in. i love the subtle pattern mixing with the small polka dots and the floral skirt. and both pieces cost less than 13 dollars!! i wasn't feeling like fixing my hair, so i just let my crazy italian shenanigans go wild! i really just felt breezy. 

so whatcha think? would you wear the socks and shoes trend? how do you feel about mixing patterns? would you do it? do you think there are some patterns that are more "acceptable" to mix than others? tell me? tell me? 

Sunday, March 7, 2010

loved it.

so as you all know, the oscars were on last night... exciting!!! well...i don't want to be a debbie-downer, but i was seriously bored to tears!!!!! i know...just so much boring and been-done-before nonsense. but the show was actually really entertaining, i love steve martin more than you will ever know!!! but i just kept thinking to myself...where are all the famous people?! i mean, i know there were some amazing names in that room, but where were nicole kidman, anne hathaway, kate hudson, marion cotillard... we were just missing some of our most exciting dressers, yet miley cyrus got an invite? huh? well, there were some amazing gowns... three to be exact and i had to look at them a lot before my initial admiration turned to love, but love did indeed blossom. so here are my three favorite dresses.
does it even surprise you!? diane kruger is a fox and a fashion maven. i wasn't sure if i loved this, but after all of the wretched boringness that was on the carpet, this chanel gown is just genius! it's interesting and fun and fresh. i love the details! the flowers are soooo on trend and the colors...perfect. i love the high neckline and low back... she may just be perfect. her hair and makeup were flawless and i loved the little sparkly whatnot in her hair! the only thing missing was pacey witter. i die. perfection. 
yay! i am soooo glad someone wore this. i thought diane might, but zoe saldana looks like perfection in this givenchy piece of art! it's just so interesting and fun and it feels whimsical and happy!!! and that's a lot of ands... she is one of the most beautiful ladies and her confidence really helps make this dress work. her hair and makeup couldn't be any more perfect! this is just happy! i know it's a lot of dress, but it's just so much fun and it's still so flattering to the figure while being this crazy huge gown... genius. i'm in love. 
now this pick actually surprises me. when i first saw this prada gown on carey mulligan, i thought it was really pretty, but the more i look the better and better it gets. first, the sparkle and random shit(they are little charms, knives, forks, scissors) all along the bodice is genius! i love how the sparkle spreads out in the skirt. and that hemline is delightful! it's just as sweet and cute as carey herself!!! those shoes and those earrings are the most perfect accessories, they are both so bold and just ah-mazing! and holy lord, i wish i could pull of that hair! she is so absolutely adorable! and this is a nice gown, that was styled brilliantly! can't wait to see more from this chick. 

liked it.

these gowns are nice...not stunning, not brilliant, but nice. these women are all beautiful and look beautiful. i am just less than impressed.
you know how i simply adore anna kendrick and this elie saab is just fabulous...kinda. no, she looks stunning. her hair and makeup are just beautiful. i love the delicate jewelry and sweet chiffon and lace. the shoes are my fave!!! but the color...i mean it's a beautiful and on trend color...but it just blends in to her skin color so much...she looks great...i am just underwhelmed. she's amazing. 
some more elie saab, marz is going to be in heaven!!! rachel mcadams looks great. i love the hair and makeup! don't get me started on those earring i would steal them!!! the dress is very pretty and it fits her great, but i mean, yawn...it's water colored chiffon...not super exciting. it was nice. 
why the devil is this kid here?! when i was a kid, the people on my television shows, stayed on my shows. there is no reason for this young lady to be at the oscars... she has done, what? two feature films and one of them is based on a fictional musical character that sings to a bunch of children... but i will say, miley cyrus looked pretty great in this jenny packham gown. i love the bodice and the skirt is just stunning, i adore that it looks like separates! the jewels and the dark nails are very fresh, but that hair is killing me...it's nice to see her massive hair extensions getting a rest, but this hairstyle ages her and keeps me from just loving this... 
yay, my darling kristen stewart looking like a little lady! i was hoping to see her in color, but this monique lhuillier looks pretty fabulous on her. it fit's amazingly well. i like all of the fabric work, it's nice. her hair and makeup also look stunning! so good for her. it's not perfect, but it's nice. and she's even kind of smiling in the photo on the left. plus, she almost looks to be standing up straight in these photos! plus, her hair is a vast improvement from the past few red carpets. good for her. 
this is the best meryl streep has looked in ages! this chris march gown is absolutely stunning!!! i just love this. i would wear this! i am shocked how much i love this!! but at the same time, it's not wildly interesting, it's just a pretty, well fitting dress and that's not enough for my top picks...
helen mirren is one sexy cougar! and i quite like this badgley mischka gown. i don't love the necklace and i feel like her hair was an afterthought...but she is freaking helen mirren, so she could wear a trash bag and she would still be a genius. plus, she has a great rack. 
from the waist up, this look is perfection. right!? the hair, makeup, necklace, bodice are perfection!!! i even love the color!!! but from the waist down this ysl gown just looks like a bad fashion school project! what happened!?  right?! even the stitching along the hem and slit look like i freaking sewed it! and trust me, that's a bad thing! 
now, this is how you dress a curvy woman! queen latifah just looks stunning! i love the beaded detail on the strap that flows down into the bodice...it's just great! the fit is out of control good, but i am not a huge fan of the color. it's looks great on her, but it keeps me from falling in love. 
way to go mo'nique! she definitely deserved her award, but i will say watching her in the press room after... well... maybe she was all amped up from her win, but was crazy super rude and overly dramatic... i can't explain it, weird. it was weird. but i did get an explanation for her ensemble which was borrowed from the outfit best supporting actress hattie mcdaniel's wore at the 1939 ceremonies. her gown is tadashi and is pretty stinking fabulous...but i'm sorry, i understand that the flower was a nod to mcdaniel's, but it doesn't work here and it keeps this from being perfect for me...other than that she looked great. good for her. 

almost good...sooooo close.

these looks could have been great, but they are just destroyed by some minute little details, but come on that's where it's at! the details.
well, sandy bullock won an oscar! her speech had me in tears...i'm not sure if i agree with the choice, but she is a delightful human being and just deserves it. now, this marchesa dress... i want to love it, but i can't. the sleeves and the bodice are magnificent, but something about the wonky velour shiny skirt and the strange hair just bug me. so while i am so happy for her, i just can't love this...at all. 
now, i love this strange chanel haute couture gown, the neckline is just amazing! it's so different and wild and sexy. the jewels are inane! the bracelets and the details along the neckline and back, I DIE!!!! so what you ask ruins this for me? well, do you see her insane nasty hair!? it's ridiculous. she looks a hot tranny mess... who let her leave the house like that? she has a freaking solar system on the back of her head. it's amazing she can even look forward. sjp, i'm not happy. 
gabby sidibe, the cutest, most talented young lady!!! also in marchesa, i think that this young lady rocked this gown... the color, sleeves, bodice, and skirt are just perfect on her, but...but... i am not digging the silver appliques. they seem so sporadic... i don't know, maybe more around the skirt or sleeve... i don't know, any ideas? i think she is brilliant and this is by far my fave from her during this award season. 
i'm not quite in love with this chick. amanda seyfried is freaking everywhere and i can't explain it, but i don't think i like her. she doesn't seem approachable, you know? like you wouldn't want to hang with her... maybe i am very wrong. this armani prive has some amazing details, but it's missing an it factor. her hair pulled back ages her a ton and her bracelets kind of look cheap...sorry, but they do! not the best, but the gown has an interesting something about it. 
jenny from the block is also in armani prive and looks better than she has in months!!! i don't mind the sillouhette on her, she gets this really edgy fresh hip ornament and still shows off her booty. the gown is still pretty boring, but what really does it for me is that hair!? what's going on? did she drive to the oscars with her head hanging out of the sunroof. flyaway, much? i am just bored. so freaking bored. damn you academy awards for ruining my favorite day with boring dresses. balls. 
whoa eyeliner! this gown is pretty fierce, even though it kinda swallows up teeny-tiny nicole richie. it's got that vintage boho vibe going on, super 70's and fablous...but why the freaking makeup overload!? and that hair...the flyaway baby hairs are just the pits. she seriously looks a thousand years old! she is so amazing, so this is just a freaking crying shame. 
eh? i know paula patton is still pregnant, but this carolina herrera is just so boring. the color is beautiful on her, but it's just missing something... maybe a crazy statement necklace or loads of bracelets. i shouldn't speak ill of the knocked up...plus, i don't want dr. jason sever's son, robin thicke, to torture me by singing in a vibrato for hours on end!!!! no please stop!!! too high!!!!