Tuesday, March 30, 2010

and you are?

so the teen choice awards were on over the weekend and like me, i'm betting you skipped them... much like our poor down and out sandy bullock. who the hell cheats on sweet sandy? what a douchebag! anywho, the people that did show up were... well... underwhelming to say the least. many of them will have you scratching your head saying, who? but c'est la vie, in our youth obbessed paparazzi culture these kids are here to stay, so i suppose i should learn their names... nah...
okay, this one is a demi lovato, she dates a jones brother and frankly, she always looks like a drag queen to me. she is waaaaay to young to wear so much freaking makeup. seriously. and this choice of dress and shoe combination is simply the most boring combo ever. the hoop earrings are bringing me back to the early 90's around the time this chick was born. grody. she is just too young to look so sad... i wasn't aware morticians were invited to the kids choice. huh.  
this is a selena gomez, she may also date a jonas brother... or she used to... or something. i actually really like the christian cota dress. it's really cute, the braid is super chic, and the shoes are nice. overall, she is very on trend and looks pretty fabulous... considering she is like 14 or 15 this look might be a bit grown up because she looks much older... this isn't bad. way to go whoever you are!?
this is a miranda cosgrove and i truly have no idea who she is... i thought she was demi lovato in another dress... but then i looked more closely and she looks way too asian... and you know i know my asians... she kind of looks like a mini catherine zeta-jones. yeah? the dress is okay, the length is kind of wonky. the louboutin's are fabulous and i dig the dark polish, but overall this is not memorable. better luck next time random disney girl!
i actually just threw up in my mouth! what is this!? who allowed them to think that this is okay behavior? the spice girls didn't even dress this badly... ok... well at least they didn't match. i honestly have no words for this catastrophic mess. the gold jacket, the skinny tie, the midriff, the gingham skirts... holy lord, i am going to vomit............ okay, no vomit, but i am scarred.
yay, it's nikki reed!!!! finally, someone i know, thank you twilight for giving me a connection to teen stars. and as always, she looks nice. she is a beautiful girl and it's kinda hard for her to look bad. this look
is lovely on her and it works for the event. and my god she wasn't meant to be a blonde, brunette is so much more becoming on her.  
lalala, kiss girls like katy perry... that's from a rap song... not sure which one... anyways, i don't get it... i don't get the music, the style, the fandamoniom that surrounds her... i just don't get it. i mean she's kind of a poor man's zooey deschanel... she is very pretty and has a cute voice, but i really don't get it. and this outfit, don't even get me started. what's with the stupid little bangs!?!? they don't work on anyone, but betty page... the dress is just so vegas... i'll pass. 
now, zoe saldana is a beauty and the tiniest person on the planet. this look would be great for a casual lunch date, but jeans and tee to an award show? not cool. i mean it fits her great, but she just looks so polite. i don't know, i am not feeling this. she is stunning though. 
i love me some rosario dawson, but this ensemble is soooo not flattering. she has an interesting shape... she is tall and thin, but has the biggest boobies and her waist isn't suuuper teeny-tiney, she's apple shaped... so this blousey dress just makes her look wide and she is sooooooo not wide. maybe if the waist was better defined. i expect more.  
wow, well, tyra's body looks amazing and the dress fits her well and shows it off... but the yellow accessories are just nasty! i mean that's something i would have done in 10th grade... plus, the mustard-ketchup thing is just too obvious. this is not good fashion. 
um, okay. cute outfit, it works, nice and chill for the event... but jada!? the hair!? what is going on!!? this is a tragic hairstyle on a seriously beautiful woman. i'm sorry. not good. it just seems like she is trying too hard to be a bad ass. and she doesn't need to try much, i mean, she's jada pinkett-smith for god sakes... no more of this please!? 
okay, do you know why i love this outfit? i'll tell you. a. rihanna is perfect and b. she looks like a modern day material girl. right!? she is totally like a virgin madonna in this outfit. i love the sleeves, the color, the neckline... i just like it... sure it's weird, but it works for me... plus, she's perfect. 
some jailbait eye candy for the road...

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