Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Dreams Do Really Come True huh.......

Dear Blog,

Alot had happen in the past 3 weeks. OMG! it had been 3 weeks since I last had a post here. Boy I really neglected u like crazy.

The past 3 weeks had been really hectic! Ok what a term.

Anyway dear blog I know that you will be very happy with all the updates.

Last June 9, 2010, I got an SMS and E-mail from an agent that was refered to me by my good friend and TV host Velerie Tan, that there will be an audition for hosts for a new QTV show. Well you know naman how much I had always dream of becoming a TV host. Ok fine so then I took a day off from work and went to the audition. I was on time and wearing my lucky black shirt that when I wear it, I feel as tho I am the hottest guy within the mile radius.

So I registered, got a number, 12 - dunno if it was a lucky number. Next thing I did was to look at the competition. The room was packed with radio DJs, TV hosts famous and not so. Then I started to sweat, not realizing that I was not able to put on my "won't let you down" weapon - ohhhhh gawd...

Then the producer started to call in the numbers 10, 11 then 12.... Me!

This is how the audition went:
1. Choose a topic from the ones provided, health, fitness, self medication, food, stress and so on.....
2. Talk about the topic you chose.
3. Show format - Tyra / David Letterman

Then I chose "Self Medication". Being the pseudo writer that I am, I like everything to be organized with the right intro, body and outro.

So I started with introducing the show and myself.
Introduced the topic, elaborated more on it and set some examples.

So I said there is Physical self medication, emotional and spiritual - crazy much huh

Physical - popping a pimple and putting anti biotic
Emotional - breaking up with someone and eating gallons of ice cream
Spiritual - doing something bad, aster that reading self help books or going to church and hearing mass just because.

And of course closing the segment with - "We'll talk about all of these and more, when we return, so don;t touch that control coz Living Well will be back only here on Q."

So I went back to my seat and try to mend my sweating armpits.

But as I go, I noticed the exec producer looked at me as I walk and sat. Hmmmmm she is quietly talking to herself and playing with nummbers on how to score my performance in the audition.

Minutes passed and we were sent home.

I met with friends after that, talking about the audition and just laughing abt what I've done and said in front of all the hopefuls in that room. Told them that I am not expecting anything, it was all for experience and fun. But the day after.... Tan tan tan nnnn tannnn..........

My agent called me up and said, I got the job! Ohhhhh I jumped with joy all over the ofc. The happiest day of my life. Dreams do really come true, after years and years of dreaming, VTR and countless auditions.

So here I am, to conquer another challenge that was given to me..... Pictures of our 1st taping in my next post!!!! yey!!!

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