Tuesday, July 13, 2010

15 reasons to love...

so, this is something new i am trying to get you all familiar with some of my most favorite bloggers/blogs and to learn a bit about what makes them so fabulous! for my premiere post, i am featuring marta of with love... when i first started my blog over a year ago, marta's quirky, cheerful blog was one of the first that i fell in love with. she's based in toronto where she is currently in school. her blog has the most perfect blend of her sweet personality and diva fashion. this girl knows her stuff. she has the most adorable classic wardrobe, but she will shock you once in a while with a pair of seriously ugly ash high heel sneaker wedges... that she some how she makes work!!! very leather and lace. marta's one of the sweetest bloggers out there. get to know this chick's blog and you will never be short on inspiration.
15 reasons to love marta...

the best movie ever made is...
I adore Pretty Woman. It is my favorite.

my favorite song in the whole wide world is...
Clair de Lune by Debussy

if i could only wear one designer forever and ever it would be...
Definitely, Chanel :)

i can't go anywhere without my...
Iphone. I'm addicted to it. 

if i could raid any celeb's closet it would have to be...
Diane Kruger, I love her style... I think she always gets it right on and off the carpet. 

my favorite celebrity on the red carpet is...
Diane Kruger, she always impresses. 

i always expect ________ to look a hot damn mess on the red carpet.
That's easy...Lindsay Lohan

i looked a hot damn mess when i wore...
I have no idea, but I am sure it has happened enough times in the past :D

a fashion trend i am loving right now...
neutrals and pastels. it's a trend now, but I've always loved them :)

a fashion trend i am hating right now...
For me it will always be uggs and leggings.

my biggest fashion influence has got to be...
Chanel, she's my idol. Love her!

the next big thing is...
a new purse. I am desperately looking for a perfect purse. So that is going to be my next big purchase :)

in the next year i am looking forward to...
everything, but especially graduating university.

i love blogging because...
I just do, it is never dull and always a pleasure. Plus, the people that I have met or communicate with make it incredibly worthwhile and rewarding :)

the most important thing to me is...
Family, of course.
So, go... nay... rush over to her site and start following! you totally won't regret it!

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