Monday, December 26, 2011

10 Boxing Day Reads & ABout This!

Boxing Day is traditionally a day following Christmas when wealthy people and homeowners in the United Kingdom would give a box containing a gift to their servants.
• Private Actions Are Not Precluded Under Martin Act, Panel Decides (New York Law Journal)
• Fascinating long form article: Navigating Love and Autism (NYT)
• Yes, Ben Bernanke is Still Bending the Bond Market to His Will (WSJ)
• The Great Economic Divide Makes Everyone Poorer (Fiscal Times) see also No One Is Above the Law (Economix)
• Ending the Year With a Bewildering Bang (Barron’s) see also S&P Turns Positive for 2011 (AP News)
• Simon Johnson: Why do we keep bailing out bankers while demanding austerity for everyone else? (Slate)
• The Coal Age Is Nearer to Its End (WSJ)
• Why your business needs humor (CBS)
• A Dispute Over Who Owns a Twitter Account Goes to Court (NYT)
• WikiLeaks And The Future Of Journalism: An Interview With New York Times’ Scott Shane (Neon Tommy) see also News as a process: How journalism works in the age of Twitter (Gigaom)

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