Friday, June 18, 2010

don't feed the models.

so i promised some photos from my recent foray into fashion, but alas, the photographer has yet to give me the photos of the actual fashion show, so here are some of the before shots. i am a wee bit obsessed with my new iphone app, the hipstamatic, i've freaking gone insane. now the fashion show, for heidi elnora bridal, happened during the opening of my family's new spa. it's gonna be a seriously big deal. spa sentio. if you are in atlanta, you need to freaking check it out. super hot.
now, i was assured by my super hot sister-in-law that i would not be the only "fake" model. bullshit. i was the shortest there by at least 6 inches. it was messed up. when i first arrived i was thinking... holy bananas. these girls look hungry and bitter. no one was talking. they were all staring desperately into their cell phones. so i shut my big mouth up and checked my email repeatedly for an hour or so. i snuck out a few times to see my friends that were helping set up the party and working at the adjacent salon. i would walk back in and it was like a library. and we know models can't read. i was like holy lord get me out of here. after i had my makeup done, by a genius artist, rachel is the shiz. i decided to break the ice. we started talking and somehow we ended up bitching about cell phones and service providers just like fat people. it was great. these girls were just as sweet as can be. after we got to talking, we started taking photos and having an all around good time.

my hair transformation:
model playtime:
the ladies. left to right. jordan, damia, sonja, mandy, carol... in the photo above is sarah getting her makeup did. side note: i am in 5 inch heels and they are all barefoot or in flats*

so, what's the moral of the story? models are people too. i'll let you take that however you would like. :)

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