Thursday, December 23, 2010

nothing says christmas like a crazy-ass ballerina movie...

wow. so, i have to admit, honestly i was terrified to see this film because i wasn't sure how freaky it was going to be. i may have cursed loudly a handful of times, but it wasn't the screamfest that i feared. the story follows a young ballerina nina, natalie portman, who lands her dream role as the the lead in her ballet companies vamped up version of swan lake... which let me say is a friggin weird ballet... it's about a girl who is turned into swan and has to fall in love to break the curse, but her evil twin comes and steals the man she loves... so she kills herself... creepy right!?! back to the movie. nina is given the role and basically starts down a path of crazy. she develops this terrifying rash on her back and begins this obsessive need to scratch and pick and pull at every piece of irritated skin... it's literally the most disgusting thing i've ever seen. meanwhile, her director, vincent cassel, is putting tons of pressure on her to get the part of the black swan right... nina's uptight therefore having a hard time letting go of perfection and becoming the visceral and passionate black swan. she begins to suspect that the companies new free spirit, lily, is trying to steal her roll. lily is brilliantly played by mila kunis and it has to be said, is super sexy in this film!!! and they totally get it on... so strange... 
nina's visions of crazy get worse and worse until you absolutely have no idea what is real and what this crazy bitch is just making up. her mother gave up her own ballet career to have nina and is absolutely obsessed with her daughter. she cries and paints pictures of nina. WEIRD! no wonder this girl is a nutter.
so, that's the basic story. you get it. the film is really beautifully done. the costumes are brilliantly designed by amy westcott and the mulleavy sisters... yes, the rodarte ladies! ah-mazing! i seriously want to run out and buy leg warmers, tights, tutus, shrugs, tanks, etc. you name it, i want it. the acting is absolutely suburb. natalie portman deserves all the awards she wins for this film. i believed fully that she was a dancer and that she had been doing it for her entire life. she is so committed to the part and is such a powerful actress.  all of the supporting cast is genius too. even winona ryder who has a small part as the retiring prima ballerina, is absolutely perfect. they only real problem i have is with the actual story. it's kinda boring and by the halfway point it's sort of predictable. like super predictable. the only thing that keeps you engaged is the absolutely ghastly body contortions. i could vomit. the last 10 minutes of the film were my favorite. the ballet was stunning and freaky and beautiful and oh-so-freaky.
so, have you ventured out to see black swan? if so, did you enjoy it? do you sorta have a crush on mila kunis now!? are you equally obsessed with the costumes!?! if you haven't seen the film, does it intrigue you? will you ever see it?

Sunday, December 19, 2010

happy drunken christmas party...

jumper, bebe; shoes, guess; ring, house of harlow; bracelet; purchased in egypt. nail polish is maybelline, sassy. toe polish is opi, lucerne-tainly look marvelous. 

happy holidays friends and followers. the hubs and i attended his squadron holiday party on friday and boy-oh-boy was it funny. yes. that's my husband. a big scary marine officer... in a women's turtleneck and sweater vest... oh dear. and me, ever the fashionista, decided to rock a jumper. i searched high and low for one and ended up finding a great deal at bebe. go figure. it was the most comfortable outfit. i was cold as balls but damn, i looked and felt great. and dude, i am still totally loving my hair color. the party was a great time full of laughter and drunken laughter. i'm totally partied out until next year.

so tell me, have you attended a holiday party this season? what did you wear? what would you wear? would you rock an ugly snowman sweater? or a jumper?

Monday, December 13, 2010

sittin' pretty...

try not to laugh out loud at all of my serious faces. i'm supposed to be an actress. no one hires me, but still. so this is me acting sad/sexy/thoughtful... naked. i wanted some sassy pictures for the hubs and for my various acting/modeling shit. so i thought i would share. they turned out brilliantly and if you're ever in the chapel hill area and need some rad pictures then krista little is your girl. she did a brilliant job.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

sometimes change... will do you good...

so, first off, so sorry that i have been a dreadfully, terrible no good blogger as of late. my lord. it's been ages. i would like to blame. a. thanksgiving. b. hosting my in-laws for thanksgiving. c. driving 10 hours to my parents 2 days after thanksgiving with two moronic, yet adorable, puppies all by myself. d. all of the freaking above. so, yeah. that about sums it up. i thought that i would, whilest everyone sleeps, post a little somethin' somethin' while i emotionally prepare for my full blown come back ;)
for the past 2-3 years i have kept my hair long and dark because as an "actress" i wanted to look like my comp cards/ headshots. yadda yadda. welllllll. that has gone the way that you would expect it... yeah, i still haven't been hired... 2 jobs in 3 years. major suck. so for the past few months, well ever since k.stew debuted her copper hued locks, i've wanted a radical change. but since i'm still keeping the dream alive, i knew i couldn't make a huge leap. well, i found a loop hole. good ole ombre hair. thanks to the likes of jessica biel, drew barrymore, lily aldridge, and rachel bilson, i have been freed from my hair rut. my stylist aka greatest-sister-in-law-in-the-world did the most ah-mazing job. i'm so freaking happy with it. i only have a crappy cell phone pic for now, but i'm sure that you will see more of it in the upcoming posts.

so, tell me. what helps you get out of a style rut?! are you daring with your hair styles? or does change freak you out?!