Wednesday, August 5, 2009

oh harry...

as my second favorite book, i was expecting a lot from this movie. i have seen it twice and am still not quite sure if i liked it, loved it, hated it...well, that's not true i didn't hate it. i finished rereading the book moments before going to see it the first time so i was fresh on the book high. enough of my nonsense, the movie was beautiful! it is one of the most visually pleasing of the 6 films. i'm a huge fan of how dark the film was because i was a little worried that they would lighten up the story line for the sake of the young fans. the acting was fantastic, as always, i loved draco!!!! well done tom felton. The story was gripping beginning to end and the ron/hermione thing is just the cutest thing ever. so that sounds like i liked it, but i did have some grievances...
so my big issue was leaving out the bulk of tom riddle's back story...i think it is really important to know that information because it is instrumental in harry figuring out the final horcruxes on his own. i think it is really important to know that he wanted a job at the hogwarts...just some of that stuff really gave harry and the reader a more solid handle on voldemort and how he thinks. so they cut all of that out, but set the weasley's house on fire for no real reason, other than it looked really pretty...that took a good solid 7 minutes...we could have fit in one or two more memories that were actually in the book...
bottom line, it was a beautiful, well-acted film that was really enjoyable watch. what did you think? were you a fan or did harry fall short this time?

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