Monday, April 12, 2010

thanks iPhone...

so, i have been absent for 10 freaking days!!!! i am a terrible blogger!!!! but duty called, i was in atlanta for a week of non-stop go... i went up to do wedding hair/makeup for a friend, but also ran around trying to see everyone i possibly could, and my bestest best friend from childhood had her first baby... and man, i'm tired. i seriously went to bed at 5:30pm yesterday! i woke up at 7:30am. yeah, 14 hours of sleep. damn. well on top of having a crazy week, i left my camera at my parents! balls. so, instead of continuing down my shameful path of zero blogging, i thought i would use my iPhone photos to give you a pre-show of things to come. and you are being warned this is pretty much all nonsense.
fun at the store: so lindsay and i had a day of fun which involved pasta, h&m, and urban outfitters. we ended up just messing around in both stores and having a good old time. those flowers are a hot mess and that picture of one eyed lindsay just makes me laugh. so, i am digging these glasses on me! whatcha think? too much look? i loooove this cloche hat on lindsay! doesn't it totally work for her!? 
puppies everywhere!!!!! so these two dogs couldn't be more opposite, but both are super sweet! the little guy is spotty merle, he's a miniature australian shepherd and i WILL have one... it's about time hammond had a friend... like i don't think you understand how much i love this puppy. and the beast is asha the great dane! she is the sweetest thing, but isn't quite aware of how gigantic she is... it's probably because her mommy treats her like she's a purse dog. it's really cute! 
look at all of these super cute children!!! up top is my adorable niece, kylie, in her super cute outfit making silly faces. the next 3 ah-dorable children all belong to an amazing friend who i was fortunate enough to see TWICE on my trip!! that's record breaking, trust me! the girls are justice, lucy, and georgia and they are just rocking awesome children... it takes a lot for me to say that! love 'em! and lastly is the newest hassell! this is little benton elijah, he weighed just under 8lbs and is just the cutest thing! i know he's gonna be a great kid. he has the best parents, seriously the best! can you believe i'm holding a newborn!?!? he was sorta forced on me, but he was making the cutest noises... so it wasn't so bad.
hair and makeup test run, so how hot is this bride!?!? i've never done hair before so i was a little worried, but damn i'm good. she looked ah-mazing, i can't wait to get my camera because let me tell you, that was one hot wedding. lots of fabulous going on! 
and lastly, this is jefferson. um, can we say fabulous!? a limo pulled up while we were chilling with some family friends on a restaurant patio and i turned to my mother and said, "that's ah-mazing, i need a photo." well, i got it! prom never looked this good when i was in school! he told me he was going to throw on a bow tie so he could get in the door. this is just so fab that i had to share!  i wouldn't change a thing! brilliant! who knew that i would find such delightful fashion in peachtree city, ga? who knew?

so, i'll be back shortly with a post on my vacay outfits and the photos from the wedding!! yay! don't get to excited, seriously, chill out ;)

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