Monday, March 12, 2012

materialistic misconceptions...

sometimes, i wonder if my love for clothes and shoes and handbags and jewelry gives off the impression that i am something that i'm not... a stuck up, materialistic bitch. i've never quite understood why people who don't share the same love of fashion somehow equate fashion to shallowness!? i understand it's nonessential, but geez, other than food, water, and shelter, isn't everything kinda unnecessary!? we all wear clothes, what's wrong with wanting them to be special?
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i'm not sure when the concept of spending money on well-made and classic pieces of clothing became such a ridiculous notion. i'm in no way saying that you should spend money on clothes if it's outside of what you can afford, but i don't understand buying tons of junky cheap clothes that are going to eventually fall apart when you can purchase a few quality pieces that will last a lifetime. i'm not saying that a forever21 shopping spree isn't fun once in a while, but i find that i am most rewarded when i buy things that are quality...

have you heard of the term cost per wear? basically, it's the cost divided by the amount of times you can wear the item... do this and you are left with actual value per wear... just an example, so say you buy a pair of 25 dollar shoes and you are able to wear them for one summer before they crap out, you have spent 25 cents per wear... now say you buy a pair of 125 dollar sandals, but you can wear them for 5 summers, your cost per wear is still only 25 cents per wear and you won't have to re-purchase sandals for 5 years!!! i'm a big believer in cost per wear...
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i have helped tons of friends, who were hesitant to spend any money on themselves let alone on clothes, learn how to dress their bodies with clothes that make them feel ah-mazing!! it's brilliant how on their own they end up leaning towards nicer brands and more well made clothes. it's addicting.

so basically this is a giant rant for me to say... purchasing nice things and loving fashion isn't an issue of materialism, the humble everyday fashion lover just wants to wear beautiful things that are going to last.

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