Thursday, October 27, 2011

misses know it all...

what has gotten into my girl kelly clarkson!?!?! she is promoting her latest album, stronger, which is ah-mazing and she is looking ah-mazing in wait for it... high heels!? i love this girl. LOVE. when i was a freshman in college i literally went up and down the halls of my dorm room with pieces of paper with her idol number on them and basically begged my hall mates to call in... i assured them it was a matter of life or death... i mean, have you heard her sing "don't play that song!" it's unbelievable, like aretha awesome and if she lost to justin guiowgwoi* no idea* it would've been tragic. since then i went to an idol concert, a kelly/clay concert, every single one... i mean, i'm dedicated. my friend gina and i are totally kelly groupies. this chick is the real effing deal. she is out-of-control talented and she is normal, i love any celeb that can keep it real and their feet planted firmly on the ground. i just wanna have a beer and shoot the shit with her because she seems so easy to talk to... oh and kelly if you are reading, please put out a blues album. i will buy a hundred thousand copies if necessary ;) okay not really, but i would love it. on to bid-ness... kelly's style evolution has definitely had some miss-steps, but why linger on the past, mama is rocking a new sassy attitude complete with skin tight dresses and sky high heels. i mean, boo is looking fierce. i'm so used to seeing her run around stage barefoot that these shoes are just cah-razy... anywho if you want to see sassy kelly's new look click below to keep on reading!!!!

listen to some goodness, then buy it here

i mean, come on, right!?!? she is looking so fabulous. i just love all the little dresses and the genius bangs. she is such a kick ass performer and i'm pretty sure a kick ass person. can't wait for her to go on tour! whaa whaaaaaa!!

**i feel like i should note, after kelly... i only watched the idol season with clay aiken, who i love. yes. i know. she ruined me for other idols. haha**

so tell me are you a kelly super fan?!? have you bought the cd? whatcha think? will you buy the new cd? talk to me people. 

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