Monday, August 29, 2011


The "Lost" star Matthew Fox accused of assaulting bus driver


http://hotcelebritynewsgossip.blogspot.com_Matthew Fox

Matthew Fox
Hey everybody I want to inform you about Matthew Fox the TV star. This is the exclusive news for Matthew Fox fans.
Matthew Fox, the star of the TV shows "Lost" and "Party of Five," was held here over the weekend by police investigating reports he had assaulted the female driver of a party bus.

Fox, who is in Cleveland filming an adaptation of the James Patterson novel "I, Alex Cross," allegedly attempted to board the bus early Sunday morning along with the members of the bachelor party that had rented the vehicle.

Heather Bormann, 29, was driving the bus and says she "confronted" Fox as he attempted to get on with the other passengers.

Bormann told Reuters she didn't recognize Fox, 45, as a member of the group or as a famous actor and warned him three times to get away from the door.

"I told him he was trespassing," she said. "He never once said anything. He just looked at me with his mouth open -- then he leaned in and started swinging on me."

Bormann told police Fox hit her in the chest and stomach before she hit him back to defend herself. She said it took three men to pull Fox away from her and that an off-duty police officer detained him until the police came.

Fox was put in a patrol car by police but was eventually released to "a friend" and took a taxi to his hotel, according to the police report.

Bormann said one of the officers asked her if she knew "who he is?" She said she responded, "Yeah, the guy who assaulted me."

Bormann, a single mother of three, said nothing like this has happened to her before, and that she has a strained wrist and plans to file assault charges on Tuesday.

"I don't care that he is a celebrity," Bormann said. "Assault is against the law."

Efforts to contact Fox at the hotel where he was believed to be staying were unsuccessful.

If you guys are eager to read this news please share your positive comments.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

the vmas are what's wrong with the world...

so, i was busy minding my own business watching new episodes of true blood and entourage. soooo good. and then i see a frenzy on twitter. the vmas are on. yaaaaaaaay. that was said with mucho sarcasm. after getting our hbo on we switched over to mtv. OHMYGOD. shoot me in foot. what is wrong with the world!?!?
ok, forget the world... what is wrong with lady gaga!?!?!!? so now she is cross dressing as the karate kid and that's art!?(thanks gina) she is so full of her own crap that i think she actually believes that she is an innovative artist... let's break it down. she is a mildly talented, decent looking girl who writes super catchy tunes and dresses and acts like a moron in hopes that people will think she's a genius... she is not. i am not buying whatever shit she's selling. but enough of her madness. on to the fashion. keep reading past the break for all the fun.

zoe saldana. one of the only ensembles of the night that didn't make me want to vomit in my mouth. this barbara bui dress is freaking ah-mzing. it's the perfect mix of chic and bad ass. and the shoes. oh holy yes, the shoes. the proportions of the dress are so genius... but remind me, why the hell is zoe saldana at the vmas? just saying.
katie holmes. joey potter. mrs. crazy-pants cruise. girl looks hot. i mean you have to give it to her. the hair is brilliant and sexy without a billion extensions. the dress is super cute and incredibly flattering... the boots are a little iffy but overall super cute. once again, whhhhy is she there? her scary movie is in theatres?! yeah, i'll pass...
mrs. jay-z is with child. biiiiig surprise. but momma beyonce is looking hot in lanvin. this is more elegance than the vmas deserves... it may even be overkill. but love the jewels. love the color. i'd say this is pretty fabulous.... and hey, at least she's a musician and it makes sense for her to attend to show.
oh adele. adele. adele. adele. i LOVE adele and i am majorly positively sure that she was the only performance worth watching on the show. she's a brilliant musician and she proves it buy writing emotional and beautiful songs and singing them... no showy dancers, no synthesized auto tune. she just sings. go figure. she is so talented, but i gotta say not loving her look. the dress is fine. the makeup is the usual. the hose and shoes are typical too... but the hair... it's just so silly. she is still amazing.
so this is cute, a little kid dressing up like demi moore in the 80's. i can't understand this look at all. selena gomez is an adorable girl and she's beautiful. so why?! answer me! why does a young pretty girl wants to look like elvira?! i mean, this is gross. it looks like someone super glued shit from the halloween party store on her gown. ew. ew. ew. she looks so old. i mean, i want to have a fashion intervention. sit her down and tell her she's beautiful and that this is not acceptable.
oh britster... you know, she doesn't look as bad as she has in recent years. i mean, her hair looks great. her make up looks great. the outfit itself, a romper, isn't awful. but the boots. oh the boots. yuck. i mean, when you are built like a cheerleader, muscular and squat, you want to elongate your legs, with say a nude pump or sandal... these boots cut her off at the ankle making her look super short and really make her calves look chunky, which is not the case. brit, give me a call. i could def solve your styling issues. other than adele, her "tribute" was the most fun... it was actually really awesome, all those lil' mini brits. super cute.
 uuuuugggghhh. WHY ARE YOU FAMOUS!?!?! this gown is so off. from the front it just looks like any other boring tight dress kk would wear. i can't put my finger on it, but the back sheer panel actually makes it look like she has love handles. and that's not a good look on anyone, not even a super famous drag queen... too far?
 oh my lord. what is this? seriously? someone tell me... quick before i start breaking things. the ysl pin, the jeans, the shoes, the chains... so terrible. he looks like a chick who wants to be a dude. there is nothing i can say to make this better... i am just going to get meaner. the end.
 oh dear. i feel really bad for this poor girl. demi lovato has had a tough year. rehab for unnamed reasons... i'm gonna go ahead and say for eating disorder or drugs... because she really puffed up. and she is trying to cover it up with a horrid spray tan, giant fake hair, and a terrible dress. hopefully she can get her life together. there is only room for one lalohan in this world. too young to be so messed up.
 katy perry is such a special lady. i mean "special" like in the head. i don't understand a single decision she makes, fashion or otherwise. except for maybe marrying russell brand, he's a GENIUS. her music is a mystery to me... but what i do know is that her hair is gonna be so tore up from this pink. omg. it's gonna be a bitch to die back and it must be soooooo dry... yes, that was a random tangent.
 mmmmkay. nicki minaj is a super weird cat. like suuuuper weird. but i have to say the music i have heard she is pretty fabulous. i've never actually listened to her solo stuff. but on kayne's album she is brilliant. she says it best, "you can be the king, but watch the queen conquer." LOVE it. but i still can't get behind the fashion. it looks like a lisa frank store vomited on her. i'm sick of musicians "expressing" themselves through their clothing. it's about attention, not the music and i am super tired of fame whores... i'm still undecided about her.
woooow. okay. so when smiley cyrus walked on stage i said, "wow, lauren conrad looks like shit." in this roberto cavalli gown hannah montana manages to age herself at least 10 years. if not 30. she is a cute girl and she's tall and she's skinny... her people shouldn't let her make mistakes like this. my nanny has better sense than to wear this grandma crap. side note. if you have never seen the miley cyrus show on snl you are missing out. sooooo funny.

i don't think these young kids realize that they can look grown up without looking senior. not a single one of these young stars looks fresh and fashionable. it's the "grown ups" who get it right. maybe it's true that youth is wasted on the young... but these youth have bajillions of dollars and million dollar stylists. someone should be telling them no. that's why so many of these kids are so effed up... if you can't tell them they look like crap for an award show, how are you gonna tell them no when it comes to important things like drugs and whatnot... perhaps it's a bit of a stretch, but i am sick of seeing children treated like they are adults... whoa. got deep for a second.

so, what do you think? are the vmas absolutely ridiculous? are you as tired of all of these children's private lives splashed all over the news!? what do you think of the fashion? pretty bad, right!?

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


okay, so there are things that one feels like it's okay to be obsessed with... shoes and handbags. foreign films. jazz music. pretty little liars. wait. huh. what. yes, that's right. i am OBSESSED with pretty little liars. not only is the show ridiculously compelling and not in the same trashy/we act like middle aged single people way that gossip girl does. not a fan. they also have brilliant clothes and while stylish, they are completely appropriate for young adults. i am pretty sure i would wear every piece of clothing worn on the show. even the moms.

aria. aka lucy hale. boho-edgy.

spencer. aka troian bellisario. preppy-chic

hanna. aka ashley benson. girly-glamour

emily. aka shay mitchell. comfortable-rocker

so, tell the truth!!!! are you hooked on pretty little liars too!?!? if not, do you agree that the fashion is AH-mazing!?!? which liar are you!? i think i'm a mix between aria and spencer... tough call. love this show.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

i'm confused.

first off, let me say. i do not have any real problems with kim kardashian or any of her less famous family members... i think she is a STUNNING girl with genius hair. i mean her hair is brilliant. right!?!? but despite having unbelievably wonderful hair i am a little mystified that people seem to care about her so damn much. i would love to know why? as far as i can tell, she was friends with paris hilton because her daddy was a famous lawyer? or something... but other than that she owns a clothing boutique... right!? am i missing something? has she ever actually done anything? i mean, she isn't a stylist? is she? she's not an actress or muscian??? right!? is she really just a pretty girl? i understand that now she "designs"... let's use that term loosely... and has all of these opportunities with fashion... but i wanna know why? was it really only because she's famous and has her life splashed all over the media... she had a sex tape and some how turned that into a ba-gillion dollar cash cow... cause let's face it, she's not a fashion icon. she dresses well, but herve leger gowns and brian atwood pumps aren't fashion breakthroughs. and dude, she wears more makeup than most drag queens i've met... so why the obsession!?

maybe this vera wang talk is all a decoy and her wedding dress will be a herve leger bandage?! what do you think?! am i just being mean?!  or are you also confused by her super fame!?!? why is she famous? thoughts!?

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

the fall wish list.

so, i have officially been the worst blogger ever, but i figure, sometimes it's a good thing to be too busy to blog. the hubs, the boys, and i have been truly enjoying time together in sunny california. it's been a very exciting time trying to figure out the giant new city we live in. we just had a slew of visitors and i'm finally slowing things down, so i thought i'd start with a fun little post about my must haves for the fall.

despite what i thought about california... that it was always sunny and never cold... i was very much mistaken. san diego gets quite chilly on a weekly basis... not that i'm complaining, but i definitely wasn't prepared for that. my family is from southern florida, so i'm not used to having to wear a hoodie to the beach. but i love it. i am so spoiled to living anywhere else. but i am so excited that fall/winter fashion will still get to make an appearance. here's my list, click on the photos to shop.

X oxfords

purchased from zappos, i got these puuurrrty nicole oxfords. i love the color. and i apologize if you want to buy them too... i think i bought the last pair... i can't find this color anywhere. i can't wait to wear these with rolled up skinny jeans and long flowing skirts. 

_ gingham shirt

i want this shirt... so bad. i know it's completely random, but i can't wait to mix and match it with other neutral patterns and leopard. oh yes, leopard... see below. 

_ leopard cardi

this cardigan is a freaking steal. it's only 25 bucks!! prints are so in for the fall and i love leopard print anything. 

X round sunnies

so, i have been coveting a pair of round glasses for quite some time now. these warby parker glasses are a genius deal and i love. love. love. the vibe of them. plus, money goes to a great cause. 

X new jeggings

i know it's not very exciting, but my pair of jbrand skinnies are literally falling apart... time to replace.

**i ended up purchasing a pair of gap jeggings. shockingly they look and feel just like j.brand... and they are about half the price**

_ skinny cords

i love the feel of skinny cords. especially in a great neutral color. 

_ rich brown bag

how perfect is the bag?!?! it's the most genius color for fall and the size is perfect because i need to downsize my life. 

so those are my must haves. what are coveting for the fall!?!?