Thursday, November 26, 2009

so much to be thankful marc jacobs...

look at my new baby!!!!!! isn't it she stunning? thank god for living in the middle of nowhere!!! the sales that happen in small, local boutiques are out of this world. i have been stalking two marc by marc jacobs bags for the past two months. i got my lil riz twisted handle bag 30% off. i am in freaking love!!! aaaannd, i'm a mallari purse triplet and that's a big deal for those of you what know what that means ;) i'm soooo spoiled.
i hope everyone had a delightful thanksgiving. ours was great, bo fried a turkey and managed to not burn the house down, the food was soooo good. my buddy lydia made three Ah-mazing pies. oh my lord, so tasty!!! but i have to say i can't wait to start our family diet next week. i feel eh. do you like how i hid my gut under a comfy dress? i wanted to look relaxed, but cute, so i busted out my comfy gap dress, my leopard print yellow box flats, and my new banana republic necklace. i'm sans makeup so, i apologize for the scary ;) here are just some pics that made me smile...and yes, i realize that none of them are of food...

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