Tuesday, June 23, 2009

the real reason to see the proposal.

so the bottom picture is the real reason to see the movie. um, hello mister. is that even legal? i mean that photo crosses a very specific line, the man v, which is practically his penis. i'm just saying. on to the actual movie, i saw the film because my mother insisted that it was funny and i have yet to see a romantic comedy since bride wars...i still have nightmares...so i went for it. i thought it was super funny, extra cute, and only mildly cheesy. no more so than how to loose a guy in 10 days or the wedding planner. sandy bullock is hilarious making her standard goofball faces while wearing some fantastic shoes. ryan reynolds really is just the best, his line delivery is always spot on, plus his singing will get you rolling on the floor. the real scene stealer is bettie white, that bitch is hilarious. the story is stupid, the editing is icky, and it isn't really a new story, but this movie made me laugh and i thought it had a touch of heart, plus a naked ryan reynolds. you sold yet? i thought so ;) 

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