Monday, June 29, 2009

good ole chuck taylor.

while this look is a bit juvenile, i have to be honest, i am a fan. i think it is sexy and comfy at the same time. i think it just portrays such a carefree attitude. i love k stewart in her dressy yigal azroulel frock rocking the classic black, it's a great mix of high fashion and punk rock sassiness. don't get me wrong i love high heels, but there is nothing more comfortable than my nasty pink converse. plus, i am pretty sure that bo thinks my dirty worn in shoes are sexier than my highest stiletto. so what do you think? would you rock this look?

Sunday, June 28, 2009

it's the transformers, not citizen kane...

i say this because all of the major critics are dogging this movie big time, and i'm confused. sure the story isn't as amazing as star trek and sure it's just a bunch of special effects, but it is hilarious and action packed and i thought it was awesome. i can't help it, i am a sucker for explosions and there were a ton. plus, it is full of eye candy for the ladies and the gents. the movie is very long at two and a half hours, but honestly it didn't bother bo or i because it never slowed down enough for you to get bored. And it has the pyramids!!! yay, egypt!!! i was like a kid in a candy store! i kept nudging bo saying, "i've been there!!!!!" Dr. Zahi Hawass, the man who knows all things ancient egypt, was a huge fan of the first film so michael bay actually got to use the pyramids in the film, i was so excited...except for the destruction...ask bo, i gasped every time they "kicked off" some boulders from a pyramid. they totally made some mistakes filming them, but that is nerdy and if you really want to know, just ask. 
so back to the movie...did i mention it was funny? it is really funny and julie white as sam's mom is absolutely hilarious! the fighting among transformers progressed a ton from the first movie, which was my opinion was a bit messy. this go 'round they actually look like they are tactically fighting as humans would, and it is awesome! there are a ton of new autobots and decepticons and while i've heard critics complaining of too many, i thought the more the merrier. 
perhaps, i love it because of robert orci and alex kurtzman, the writers, who also have written for, you guessed it, ALIAS!!! plus, these guys wrote star trek and mission impossible:III, so they have yet to disappoint me. 
so to break it down, if you are looking for emotional substance you will be greatly disappointed, although i did tear up once or twice, pathetic. Buuuut, if you are looking to have a great time, see a fun movie that doesn't require too much thought, laugh a whole bunch, and maybe get a glimpse of megan fox's tan ta-tas, then i say absolutely go see it. let me know what you think! 
**words of advice, see it with a large crowd it's more fun that way and get to the theatre early to get good seats...sitting to close may induce vomiting.  

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Patch Version Problems?

Hey guys, I know madaming Audistas and hirap sa pag patch and pag update ng games. Kung hindi nyo trip mag AUTO-PATCH kase it takes so much time. Madami tayung MANUAL-PATCH available via --> DOWNLOAD SITE <--.

But before you do the manual downloads there are things to put into consideration:

1. Know the current version of Audition Dance Battle client installed into you PCs.
2. If you already know the version installed, then you can start to look for the next version to download & install. (ex. current version 6035, next version to download is 6036, 6037, 6038)
3. Dapat chronological in order ang pag install.
4. Pag hindi chronological, patay... Sira ang Audition mo.... Have to reinstall all over again.

Here is how to find out the version of your Audition Dance Battle client:

1. Go to START
2. Press RUN
3. Type in REGEDIT into the space provided

4. The Registry Editor will appear into your screen

click image to enlarge

5. Look for SOFTWARE folder
6. Under the e-Games folder, look for the T3AUDITION folder and click
7. The information of the T3AUDITION older will appear on the right window beside the folders window.

See the image for reference.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

the real reason to see the proposal.

so the bottom picture is the real reason to see the movie. um, hello mister. is that even legal? i mean that photo crosses a very specific line, the man v, which is practically his penis. i'm just saying. on to the actual movie, i saw the film because my mother insisted that it was funny and i have yet to see a romantic comedy since bride wars...i still have i went for it. i thought it was super funny, extra cute, and only mildly cheesy. no more so than how to loose a guy in 10 days or the wedding planner. sandy bullock is hilarious making her standard goofball faces while wearing some fantastic shoes. ryan reynolds really is just the best, his line delivery is always spot on, plus his singing will get you rolling on the floor. the real scene stealer is bettie white, that bitch is hilarious. the story is stupid, the editing is icky, and it isn't really a new story, but this movie made me laugh and i thought it had a touch of heart, plus a naked ryan reynolds. you sold yet? i thought so ;) 

Sunday, June 21, 2009

summer comedies, ah stupidity.

when it comes to summer movies, i prefer action. i can't wait for Transformers, Harry Potter, and GI Joe, but i tend to pass on the comedies. well, being married to a goofball marine i have made a few exceptions and was pleasantly surprised. 
first off, the hangover...let me start by saying don't go into it like it's the funniest thing you will ever see, you will be let down. but let me tell you that is a pretty stinking funny film about a bachelor party in vegas gone horribly wrong. bradley cooper is hot, ed helms is hilarious, and zach galifianakis is the strangest most uncomfortable yet endearing character i have seen in a long time. the humor is crude, the story is ridiculous, but there is a baby named carlos and mike tyson and a tiger. 
on to year one. i wasn't planing on seeing this movie in the theatre, but those silly let me just say it wasn't awful, i actually laughed more than expected because michael cera is the funniest human being alive. he cracks me up and he really made this movie for me with his uncomfortable quiet throwaway lines. the movie is packed with tons of comedies finest and olivia wilde, who is just hot. but the story isn't just ridiculous it's bad, but for the most part the actors are funny enough that you can put that behind you. if the movie was 45 minutes shorter i would probably be more apt to forgive it's shortcomings. 
final conclusion: see the hangover, fo' show. it is a far better developed film and it really will make you laugh out loud. and if you need cleaner option see the proposal, my mom said it's hilarious and ryan reynolds, mmm. i going to make bo take me this week. maybe today, it's too hot to do anything in this horrible place. hope that was as oh so insightful per usual ;) 

my husband is a saint.

yesterday my dear husband and i set out to have a tasty lunch at a local deli, it was delicious. after my calzone, i toyed with the idea of visiting a super adorable shoe store in the area, i settled on no, it was best to not tempt myself. but bo thought i should check it out, who was i to argue with my man. the store is adorable and even better, the cynthia vincent gladiators i have been stalking on piperlime sat gloriously on the shelf. i told the owner the same thing and she quickly let me know she was ready to bargain, she wasn't about to loose business to the old navy empire. sweet, right? well i still had to convince my loving husband that 140 before tax was a steal of deal. it didn't hurt that he actually liked the shoes, but i think i owe my success to the owner and her friend, the epitome of southern ladies gossiping and full of good advice. we probably spent 45 minutes just talking to them after our purchase and somehow i got a sporadic, but paying saturday job and a 25% discount, plus the ability to order any single shoe i want at another discount. awesome!!!! feeding the habit ;) so life is good, i get paid to write about weddings, i will get paid to sit among beautiful shoes, and one day i WILL get paid to act...i feel like that is the natural progression of it all...

Monday, June 15, 2009

ah, summertime and tiny clothing.

so i love my new jumper. i have a gorgeous silk one that i just can't bring myself to wear in the 90 degree florida weather. expensive silk + sweat = unhappy lauren. but i found this super cute jumper for 26 dollars at a little boutique nestled among the predictable and ghetto at the p-cola mall. i decided on flip flops for the mission at hand, hanging out with some marine buddies. but for a casual night out look, i am thinking of rocking my pink converse with it, too much? i can't decided. if i make it out of the house in it, i will take a picture. hope you all haven't given up on the blog! smooches.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

listen to me...i'm right.

so i recently went shopping with someone who constantly disagreed with we all know that i am always right, i know better than most and if you don't like it say, "that would work on you" or "you could pull that off." don't openly diss, not cool. so one thing that i was preaching that she wasn't buying is the age-old stacy and clinton adage, "you don't want your clothes to match, you want them to go." when you find a cute tri-colored skirt, the goal is not to find shoes with the exact same three colors, yikes! no no no. you pick one of the colors or gasp! pick a fourth color. i hate when someone sees pattern and they can only see one color in it that they feel they must repeat in the bag, the shoes, the sunglasses, soooo not cool. i just don't understand that preppy or old school hip-hop look of matching every color, it's not sophisticated, it's not grown up. i love smart mixings of color and pattern, it makes you look fashionable and chic. it's possible to be "prep" and not look juvenile, just look at the gossip girl cast...even on abercrombie's website the selected outfits are super cute, even if the shorts are ridiculously short, so there is no excuse. 

fyi, this is more of a rant than a fashion lesson. all my girls reading this know better.

Friday, June 12, 2009

greetings long lost friends...

sorry that i haven't been my normal overly-anxious annoyingly talkative self. travel, life, anniversary, doggie prozac, and gwen stefani have just gotten in the way, but no fear i'm here and i will continue being until i get inspired, here is an awesome pair of balenciaga shoes that makes me just want to hug strangers. look, lust, sigh.