Friday, May 29, 2009

acne free and loving it.

super shiny, but acne free! yay!!!!!!!

so a few months ago i offered up the question, "how much would you pay for clear skin?"well, i got my answer. in february, i went to get a facial at a local spa and ended up meeting the owner, a registered nurse, who discussed the isolaz laser treatment with me. the product was initially used for facial hair removal, but they found that the patients were also experiencing less acne on the treated areas. the treatment uses suction and a strong pulse of light to temporarily shrink the sabacious gland. my face was out of control, i didn't want to get dressed or even leave the house, so i was ready to try anything. i went home and discussed it with bo, who agreed to let me try it. the treatment is not cheap, anywhere from 250 to 500 dollars a session, but most spa's will offer discounts if you buy them all up front. i suggest doing this, just because if i hadn't already paid i would have gotten discouraged and probably not gone back. after 5 sessions (every 2 weeks) i noticed a major difference and after my final zapping it was like i had different skin. when she steams my face now, she barely gets the pores to open. they are tight and pretty. 

the only thing that sucks is maintenance, you do need to keep it up, but once your skin is clear you can go once every other month. i am lucky that bo agrees this treatment is amazing and worth the dough. i also have been using the obagi clensiderm system and a low dose of prescription retin-a. on top of that i changed my birth control to yaz which is supposed to help in some cases of mild acne. so this mixture has really worked well for me and i just wanted to share the good news. i am not exaggerating, no zits in months. not to say that one won't pop up around that time of the month, but with the treatment they heal soooo much faster. okay so the downsides, there aren't many, it doesn't get rid of post acne redness...only time can heal that crap, it also gives you hickeys, mostly on the forehead and cheeks, from the suction. these usually disappear in a few days. 

i am obviously not a professional so definitely talk to someone licensed before making any decisions. and please make sure they are licensed to use the isolaz, this treatment can and will burn you if the technician doesn't know what they are doing. hope this helps anyone dealing with stupid crappy acne :) 

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

decorating almost complete.

so my look is a mix of eclectic modern that totally what you got??? the walls are so tall that i wanted to ground the space and keep artwork pretty low. everything is reused from our last space, a low budget wonder. i am becoming a pro at repurposing. we will really see how good i am when we move into a smaller space. the only things that i am really need to do here are get a coffee table, any suggestions would be helpful. hang our giant fork and spoon. then paint the dining room chairs turquoise and get new cushions. (i will blog about that when the time comes, can you believe i have actually been too busy to do it?!?) well, i guess it's on the to upstairs which i might not get to for awhile. so this is our space. enjoy. 

Monday, May 25, 2009

terminator! what, what!!!

so i have only good things to say about terminator salvation. it was good times. the action and the story were both pretty solid. plus, anytime they referenced one of the previous films i about peed in my pants. what? i am easily excited. i also have to say that i am in love with the not so human marcus wright, played by australian hunk sam worthington, who along with john conner's teenage father, played by anton yelchin, and the cutest mute child ever, played by jadagrace, the trio totally stole the movie for me. christian bale did his job and did it well as always, but i feel that his story was sort of secondary to the before mentioned threesome. i really thought the movie had some heart. rotten tomatoes would say otherwise, movie snobs, but i even freaking cried in the end. a real sob. not just a lonesome tear. if you only have time for one, i would see star trek, but terminator would be a close second, and wolverine doesn't even make the list. so what do you think about the summers movies so far? anything you loved? hated? come...share with us.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

ashley olsen, a celeb who knows how to rock it.

this chick is awesome! not only am i a huge fan it takes two starring the olsen twins and steve guttenberg, i'm a fan of this girls fashion sense. she and her sister take this job seriously. after watching the twins on oprah i have really come to admire their insane work ethic. this girl eats, lives, and breathes fashion. sticking to a mostly black and white color palette, things remain basic, but never boring. 

advice to take from ashley. don't be afraid to show some leg, but always cover up on top. get an awesome black, white, or grey blazer to rock with everything. get a pair of platform gladiators. buy a purse that weighs as much as you to store your life in. invest in some retro sunglasses. rock menswear to your next fancy event. skinny jeans and leggings are your friend. find a good tailor because excellent fit is super important. keep a cup of starbucks handy and you are good to go. 

Monday, May 18, 2009

abrams goodness.

so since wolverine was such a joke, i thought i would make up for it by posting on the awesomeness that is jj abrams star trek. it was stellar! now, i am as far from a star trek fan as humanly possible, i mean, the movie was 30 minutes in before i understood what a vulcan was. oops. the cast was amazing and gave fantastic performances. the film was action packed and totally funny, exactly what a great summer movie should be, but it almost isn't fair to call this a summer movie. it was simply a fantastically made film. plus, i loved all of the alias folk who cameoed throughout the movie. i don't wanna give any of the goodness away, so go and see, then let me know what you think. well, live long and prosper and laugh at this t-shirt logo below.

Thursday, May 14, 2009 screen much!?!

hmm. the first word that comes to mind is yummy. every man in the cast is indeed yummy. hugh, ryan, taylor, liev, hot asian guy,, the hobbit, the guy who killed ben's daughter on lost...they are all smoking freaking hot. and hugh jackman's ass is a thing to behold...sigh. yummy. with that said, wtf???? who the hell is this gavin hood? and who put him in charge of such a beloved franchise...i threw up in my mouth when wolverine took a closer look at his new shiny claws and we could literally see where they had been animated was bad. and my god, the green screen was truly gang raped by these filmmakers and green screen can look good, hello 300??? the special effects were seriously laughable. and we did laugh a lot. now the movie isn't horrid. the fight scenes are above average and anytime liev's sabretooth started running on all fours i had to fan myself a bit...yummy. i thought the movie had a few points where it really connected, but mostly it fell short for me. i wish that the group of hotties had remained more active in the story because that was the most fun. and most yummy. and did i mention hugh jackman is naked? oh yeah. he's naked and it's glorious. 

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

new house. yuck.

so we live in milton, fl now. eck. but things are cleaning up nice and i suppose it really isn't that bad. i just live to complain. i wanted to share the downstairs before photos of our new rental. i will work on getting afters up as soon as possible. wish me luck. 

Sunday, May 10, 2009

my happy place.

so, over the past few days i have driven hundreds of miles back and forth to the new house. i am tired. i am surly. i am fat. plus, it's 11 and i am starving. shit. well, today i think i may have gotten a part in a fsu student's thesis film. yay, but that still doesn't compare with the overwhelming joy i felt when i saw ali larter in this notte by marchesa gown. right!?!?! it's amazing. whimsy, girly, sexy, and fun. i need this dress to wear around the house, walk hammond, go pick up what-a-burger. who cares? it's stunning, plus it would cover my giant ass. sigh. 

pictures of the house to come soon, when i find the stupid camera. i hate moving.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

shopbop friends and family.

alexander wang, $90.

just in case you want some fabulous overpriced furnishings for yourself head over to shopbop and save 25% using the code inthefamily25 at check out. sale ends tonight at midnight. go buy.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

the best show you're not watching.

so if you have never watched rescue me it is time to start. i am constantly amazed by the colorful language and racial slurs that make frequent appearances on the show, but it's not just tons of inappropriate humor, it really is a superbly written and acted show. the show follows tommy gavin, denis leary, as a former alcoholic fire-fighter who has serious i see dead people lost in 9/11 issues. along with the crazies at the firehouse lou, gay probie, sean, franco, black sean...hijinks ensue. plus they are all super hot firefighters and michael j fox talking about getting hard-ons at random times is hilarious and super awkward. the show is full of heart and will make you laugh and cry all within an hour long episode. fx really must have made a deal with the devil because it is seriously crazy what they get away with and i love every second of it.  the show comes on tuesdays on fx and replays a few times during the week. netflix it for good times. 

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

the met costume institute gala. 2009.

so i have not the energy, nor the will power to make this a fancy post, so i apologize for the shitty layouts, click on photos to make 'em bigger. i am soooo tired and congested, but i didn't want to deprive you of the fantastical gowns that showed up, some fantastically awesome and some fantastically disastrous. pretty much everything louis vuitton touched was horrid, madonna, leighton meester, and kerry washington, looked terrible!! soooo not cute. i understand that this is a time to really rock out the crazy, but yikesola. if you want designers i have all of them, but just thinking about posting all of them makes me want to cry. my favorite was hands down eva mendes in calvin klein, she looked unbelievable as per usual. ciara looked crazy hot in emilio pucci and ashley olsen rocked my socks in the row. liv tyler also looked stunning in stella mccartney, i could go on all day. for the most part, i think everyone looked great. there are so many more good and bad that i just don't have the energy to find. let me know if you wanna see anyone i may have, what are your favorites?

time to buy...

although i haven't got to wear them as much as i would like, these shoes rock my world. they are comfy and beautiful. i purchased mine from piperlime, but cusp has the nude patent leather ones which are hot, i'm also a fan of the navy. they are $89 and worth every penny. 

Monday, May 4, 2009

how much?

actual hermes watch

two shots of my knockoff

so as many of you know, my watch obsession is the cape cod hermes watch, which retails for around $1,850. yikes. well, with bo's permission, i bought one of the first knock offs I have found in a super long time. i think it looks pretty great, but i thought it would be fun for you all to guess how much I got it for...who knows? perhaps it's not fun, but come on do it for me ;) so, how much did i spend?